Dracaena. Dracaena fragrans, with its bright green leaves, also are commonly sold as ti plants or Hawaiian ti trees.

Dracaena marginata (pictured below), the most well-known of this group, has spiky green leaves rimmed with a thin line of red.

Now it is back in a bright lit area, and I've tied the branches for support as it was leaning before. Water your Dracaena Marginata every 2 weeks.

Bromeliad is a perfect plant to grow indoors, most of the varieties of this plant thrive easily in a container in shade. Dragon tree (Dracaena draco), which grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, comes from the Canary Islands. Not sure if I should spray the trunks or start watering less. 23:21.

The Dracaena draco will grow to 0.9-1.2m (3-4 feet) indoors. All you need to know about Epipremnum Aureum Pothos - Duration: 40:00.

I recently bought 2 "Dracaena Fragrans Suprise" and 2 "Dracaena White Jewel" plants. Parlor Palm. Watch out for brown and yellow leaves. Dracaena Massangeana - Corn Plant - Duration: 23:21. Bromeliads. Too much shade can cause leaves to fade to a light green. This plant gives its name to the entire genus Dracaena, which contains about 150 species and many cultivars. The best way to tell the difference is to look at the roots: cordyline roots are white, while dracaena roots are yellow or orange. I don't think the brown leaf tips on your plant are being caused by sunlight though.

At about 10–15 years of age the stem stops growing and produces a flower spike with white, lily-like perfumed flowers, followed by coral berries. Make sure the soil is completely dry before you water them. Wondering if this is from potential overwatering before, dryness, or via weight of leaning splitting the trunks.

It's a very popular houseplant in northern climates, but here it works well as a striking outdoor plant, especially useful in narrow areas. Cordyline and dracaena are both members of the agave family. Maidenhair Fern. Your plant may be able to survive in lower light, but at least a few hours of indirect light will help it thrive.

Place your Dracaena Marginata in bright, indirect light. Philodendron. Umbrella papyrus (Palm) Mother-in-law's Tongue (Snake Plant) Creeping Fig.

- Wrinkling What I'm making sure I'm doing so to eliminate possible causes: - The plants get the right amount of …

Thick, gray stems slowly grow into a branching tree 20 or 30 feet tall. The leaves are solidly green, as the old leaves die the stem gradually unveils with a scaly pattern. Dracaena is a beautiful houseplant that you can grow at home.

dracaena leaves splitting