If growing parsley in a container, make sure that the pot drains well (that the soil drains well, and that holes at the bottom aren’t blocked). Hardy only to about 10 degrees F, though winter mulches or cloches can enhance cold tolerance. Growing herbs in winter require more care and effort. Umbelliferae (Carrot and root family) Soil. How to Grow Parsley – Planting. No need to dry them before freezing. Leave the plants in their new pots outdoors in a shady spot for 1 week before bringing them indoors; this will allow them to adjust to the change in light. • Perennial or annual herbs growing in garden soil in the summer can be potted up for winter indoors. Feeding. The late summer (July in the northern hemisphere) sowing should provide winter growing parsley for you - but it may be that you either want the plants nearer to the house or even indoors. The Latin name of parsley, Petroselinum crispum, comes from the Greek word for stone– based on the rocky outcroppings where it preferred to grow. Parsley can be grown through winter sowing. In the fall, I pull up the entire plant, separate the leaves from the stems, chop the leaves and freeze them fresh in small containers. Growing Parsley for Winter Use. Winter herb gardening is rewarding and provides fresh herbs year-round. Those best winter herbs can survive harsh cold weather with proper and conscious care. Winter is not the optimal natural season for growing anything. I have parsley all winter. Be sure to pot up herbs into containers large enough to accommodate their root system. The seeds of this culture have been preserved for 3 years, but the fresher they are, the more friendly seedlings can be obtained. Frost tolerant. Position. The day before planting, soak the seeds overnight in water to help the germination process along. During the growing season we pick what we need as we need it. Full sun. Parsley is a very frost-resistant plant, its seeds begin to germinate at only a few degrees of heat, and its greens are not at all afraid of frost, which makes it possible to grow it from early spring. Gardeners can continue growing herbs in the winter outdoors in warmer growing zones that do not experience winter frost … Where winters are mild, parsley can be sown in fall and grown through winter. You could sow your final seeds for the year into a parsley pot - that's a small terracotta urn shaped pot with a few planting pockets in the side and one in the top. There is a good selection of herbs to grow in the winter that do well in containers. I do dry some for recipes that call for dried parsley. Parsley seed is slow to germinate (it can take up to a month). Parsley Growing Guide Crop Rotation Group. Flat-leaf parsley is a perfect plant to grow in containers and indoor herb gardens, thanks to its hardiness. Growing parsley indoors Growing conditions . Nevertheless, there are herbs that can thrive and yield a successful harvest in the winter. Any average, well drained soil enriched with compost.

growing parsley in winter