Selling textures on CGtrader - join CGTrader's forum and discuss 3D model related topics. A Checklist for New 3D Artists. CGTrader does not restrict you from selling your 3D assets on other websites or platforms.

What does it mean in practical terms in the context of your question? Survey on selling 3D Models - join CGTrader's forum and discuss 3D model related topics.

Selling 3D Models on TurboSquid. I'm also active for some time on other marketplaces as well (e.g. Get modelling feedback from 3D experts. You’ve heard that expression before and I can assure you it’s very real. In general, customers look for a large variety of 3D models on CGTrader, and assets from all categories are bought every day. You can find in-depth marketplace data on searches, sales, demand and model counts on a keyword level in our Analytics tool. 1st Step: Sign Up. Get modelling feedback from 3D experts. I'm a CGtrader member for almost two years now and in my opinion it is the best platform for stock media developers available today. If you are still wondering why you should choose us as your 3D marketplace, be sure to learn more about us. Learn how to publish and sell your 3D models on TurboSquid! Time is money.

selling on cgtrader