John Worboys worked as a cab driver and was charged with sexually assaulting several of his female passengers. In the United States, more than 300 exonerations have resulted from postconviction DNA testing since 1989.26 According to the Innocence Project, at least one mistaken eyewitness identification was present in almost three-quarters of DNA exonerations.27 In many of these cases, eyewitness identification played a significant evidentiary role, and almost without exception, the eyewitnesses who testified expressed complete confidence that they had chosen the perpetrator. Carter has now been indicted for the murder by a grand jury, and Lydell Grant was released from prison. Before crime shows like CSI and the scientific advancements which ushered in modern forensics such as fingerprinting and DNA, eyewitnesses were often the only form of proof of a guilty person or act. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. The puzzling question in this case, though, is why did six eyewitnesses independently identify Lydell Grant as the killer and then confidently testify in court? Incredibly, prior to Heidelbergs sentencing, the real shooter, James Clark, confessed to the crime, but the confession fell on deaf ears and Heidelberg was sentenced to 99 to 175 years in prison. Jurors trust a confident eyewitness and believe they are telling the truth and that their testimony is accurate [1]. As an experimental psychologist who conducts research on eyewitness identification, Ive seen hundreds of examples of highly confident yet mistaken eyewitnesses both in the laboratory and in actual court cases. Historically, eyewitness testimony has been in use not only in the United States and our penal system but all around the world. But when the witnesses had received a simple reinforcing comment following their identification (Good job, you got the guy), the mock jurors could no longer tell the difference between accurate and mistaken eyewitnesses. 'In Iran we had an incident. John Worboyss victims alleged that he assaulted them after offering them champagne which he had spiked with drugs. But studies demonstrate that a variety of factors can lead to the misidentification of criminals. Having served 10 years in prison, the psychologist recommended his release from prison. What facts gave rise to the belief that Leiterman may have been wrongfully convicted based on contaminated evidence? 109, 10910 (2006). Column: 15 minutes of fame flies by. Noting a victims initial confidence level at the initial identification can be important, so as to track if the witness grows more or less confident with the identification over the course of the trial, which might be an indicator of eyewitness unreliability. Thanks to the work of the Innocence Project of Texas, new DNA testing on biological material collected from underneath the victims fingernails cleared Grant and implicated another man, Jermarico Carter, who police said confessed to the killing. Until he was released on parole, the 81-year-old Weger ranked as the second longest-held inmate in Illinois prison system. Despite the frequency of use, we have been confronted as a country with many incredible failures of eyewitness testimony such as misidentifications that led to convictions and sentences of people who were later discovered innocent.1 Science has played no small role: post-conviction DNA profiling made possible by the development of the polymerase chain reaction, which enables amplification of crime-scene DNA to quantities sufficient for forensic analysis have meant that DNA identification is becoming increasingly used even in cases where it was previously not viable: those where we have smaller samples.2 As of now, almost 350 people, many serving long prison sentences, have been exonerated because their own DNA was discovered to be incompatible with evidence long ago collected from the crime scene. The involvement of expert witnesses in famous expert witness cases often leads to changes in how expert evidence is formulated and the effect it may have on the outcome of the proceedings. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. Instrumental to the prosecutions theory was the testimony of at least twelve witnesses, each placing Flowers along a discrete portion of the route he was supposed to have traveled that day. Imagine if police let unauthorized people have willy-nilly access to a crime scene that is under investigation. The NRCs recommendations for law enforcement and judges are below.32. There, the prosecution claims that Flowers stole Doyle Simpsons gun from the glove compartment of Doyles unlocked car and then walked back to his home on the West side of town. Ernest Saunders only served 10 months of his sentence before being released. Two police officers thought the sketch resembled Miller, a man they had questioned a few days earlier. The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Shocking, impossible gas bills push restaurants to the brink of closures, Best coffee city in the world? There, the prosecution claims that Flowers killed the people inside Tardys, stole money from the stole, and then went back home, stopping to buy chips and beer at a convenience store on Highway 51 on the way. What law enforcementand the publicneeds to know. During Wednesday's interview with CNN, Amirabdollahian accused western media outlets of encouraging violent protests in his country. The same is true of eyewitness memory: memory can be contaminated with the trace of an innocent person, but under proper testing conditions, eyewitness evidence is highly reliable. Not so with eyewitness memory. As with all indeterminate sentences, decisions around release are the sole responsibility of the Parole Board. Press Esc to cancel. 22 Edwin M. Borchard, Convicting the Innocent: Sixty-Five Actual Errors of Criminal Justice (New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., 1932). 2 'This is not the way to conduct an interview. The answer seems like a resounding yes if you consider some well-known and rather disconcerting information. There have been hundreds of cases in which mistaken eyewitness identification testimony led to the conviction of innocent people. Nevertheless, these subtle behavioral cues affect eyewitnesses decisions by making them more likely to choose the suspect. Two other eyewitnesses, a couple, remembered discussing their selection with one another and confirming each others decisions. 4 Defffenbacher, et al. According to the same theory, 33 years later, in 2002, in an almost inconceivable coincidence, evidence samples from Mixer, Ruelas and Leiterman just happened to be together again in the Michigan State Police Laboratory. In 1999, Sally Clark, a solicitor, was convicted of murdering her two infant sons (one in 1996 and the other in 1998) at Chester Crown Court. He served 61 years in prison before being released on parole in February 2020. Delta agrees 34% pay rise for pilots - worth up to $90k - with other major airlines set to follow suit, Plastic surgeon reveals the one exercise that makes you AGE FASTER - saying he tells his patients to stop the popular workout if they want to avoid a 'gaunt, old face', Trans teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breasts is FINALLY put on leave after it was revealed they don't wear the fake boobs outside of school - as parents line up to criticize school board at meeting, Robert F. Kennedy's assassin Sirhan Sirhan, 78, is DENIED parole because he still refuses to reveal reason for 1968 murder of the senator and then-presidential candidate, More than a DOZEN whistleblowers came forward to claim Hunter Biden was involved in criminal activity, Republican Senator reveals for the first time during grilling of AG Merrick Garland, Senators slam Biden official after two senior hires were discovered to have been forced out of previous jobs for sexual harassment - with one paying $89,500 settlement to victim, I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom - and you're likely to be guilty of having at least one, REVEALED: 'Bomb' almost smuggled onto passenger plane in Pennsylvania was a commercial grade FIREWORK stitched into suitcase lining - arrested man, 40, has long rap sheet, 'He played Muhammad Ali, I played Pookie! Recently, post-conviction DNA exonerations of innocent persons have dramatically highlighted the problems with eyewitness identifications. Eyewitness testimony can hold a lot of weight with jurors. There are a few ways in which eyewitness testimony can be inaccurate. In reviewing the case, it is more than apparent that the convicted man had motive, opportunity and means to commit this crime. The sooner police, prosecutors and judges understand that fact, the better off we all will beincluding you, if you are ever incorrectly fingered by an eyewitness. 32 National Research Council, Identifying The Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification 38, 4-8 (2014). If a judge finds the eyewitness testimony unreliable, he can suppress its use at trial. . Pregnant), Left and got about 1-2 blocks away and saw a man running west, away from downtown, it was her neighbor Flowers, Clemy pointed it out to Roy but Roy did not recognize him, Couldnt remember his clothes or shoes, did not describe seeing blood on him, Latarsha, Clemys cousin, remains convinced that Clemy made up the story because she felt pressured by law enforcement and because she might be able to get money Latarsha was also taken by the police at 19 to be asked questions and Johnson implied that she might get some of the reward money (30k) if she corroborated, Saw a man running across the street 1-2 blocks away that day of the murders, he was alone (not with Clemy) and it was earlier in the morning and when he was with Clemy later, they did not see anybody running, Law enforcement came and found Roy and he ended up giving a statement to John Johnson, Was shown Flowers picture (school picture) ONLY Flowers asked if that was the person Roy saw running Roy said no and John Johnson pushed Roy that it was Flowers and that Clemy was with him when it happened eventually Roy said he broke down and agreed to the story because he wanted to get out of there (he was afraid of Johnson), After that, Johnson recorded Clemy telling her story of seeing Flowers running away from downtown. The processes at play in Lydell Grants case are predictable and unfortunately common. 26 The Innocence Project, DNA Exoneree Case Profiles,. Thanks for reading The Crime Report! Document Witness Confidence and Videotape Witness Identifications. In a recent review of the literature, the authors reported across 15 experiments, suspect identifications made with high confidence were, on average, 97 percent accurate! After she had spent several years in prison, an independent consultant psychiatrist was instructed as an expert witness. I must also add that Chester Weger also CONFESSED to the 1959 Matthiessen State Park rape/robbery but was never brought to trial (he already had received a life sentence for murder) to avoid putting the TEENAGED female victim on the witness stand. Laura Mickes is an academic at Royal Holloway, University of London. U. L. Rev. Pictured: Protestors take part in an anti-Iran demonstration on December 24, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey, Women burned their headscarves in Kurdish-controlled north-east Syria in September 2022. But in 57 percent of those cases, it was possible to determine what happened on the initial (uncontaminated) memory test. Demonstrators have cut and burned their head coverings while shouting anti-government slogans. Later two slideshows were shown, one with a stop sign and the other with a yield sign and they asked the subjects which was the one they had previously seen. This is not always the case. Gareth, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, is the series editor of Best American Infographics and can be reached at garethideas AT or Twitter@garethideas. Instructions given to eyewitnesses should be clear, simple and standardized across jurisdictions. Witnesses arent able to tell whether their testimony was influenced in this way. The FBI estimates that 521,196 of these arrests were for violent crimes.24 Accurate data on the number of crimes observed by eyewitnesses are not available. Instead of concluding that DNA evidence is inherently unreliable because of the contamination that apparently occurred in this case, a more reasonable conclusion would be that for DNA testing to be reliable, proper protocols must be followed. During the meeting Amirabdollahian said Irans government was committed to upholding human rights. By the way, Weger signed EVERY SINGLE PAGE of the FIRST confession which was transcribed by a court reporter who testified under OATH Weger was not threatened or harmed when he made his damning statement. If New Jersey can have statewide guidelines, so can California. For every one of those tests, the eyewitnesses were, at best, uncertain. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Editorial: He spent 38 years in prison for a crime he didnt commit. Chester Weger was convicted in 1961 of the notorious Starved Rock Murders, in which three women were brutally killed and their bodies left in a park located in LaSalle County, Illinois about two hours southwest of Chicago. The case shed renewed light on the country's treatment of women, with a growing number of female Iranians choosing to flout the Sharia-based law to wear the hijab. The attendants were also able to have a brief conversation with the driver before he fled on foot. The testimony of an eyewitness could make up for many shortcomings in a case, such as the lack of any actual physical evidence. This evidence was not presented in the initial trial. And have you read a recent peer-reviewed paper that you would like to write about? to select the person they believe to be a prime suspect. To do this, proper testing protocols that reduce chances of contamination need to be followed. When proper procedures are not followed, the potential for error exists. Readers speculate why, Letters to the Editor: Serious about the drought? But there is more to the story. Moreover, confirmatory feedback can alter witnesses memories of the original crime, making them less able to recognize the actual perpetrator when they see him again. After killing the officer, the shooter fled the scene and a high-speed car chase ensued. Are you a scientist who specializes in neuroscience, cognitive science, or psychology? An initial eyewitness identification made with low confidence indicates that even though memory was not contaminated, the ID is untrustworthy (that is, by indicating low confidence, the eyewitness is effectively saying, Theres a good chance that Im making an error). Consider the important, and often overlooked, distinction between malleability and reliability. He was 19 at the time of that attack. Its a stain on our justice system. John Wixted is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, San Diego. In Winona, Mississippi on July 16, 1996, four people were shot and killed at Tardy furniture store. In 1932, Yale University law professor Edwin M. Borchard documented nearly seventy cases of miscarriage of justice caused by eyewitness errors in his book, Convicting the Innocent.22 Letters to the Editor: Yes, L.A. drivers are getting worse. At his criminal trial, both parking lot attendants identified Miller as the perpetrator. Recently, up to 400 female pupils from around 30 schools were subjected to poisoning attacks in what is believed to be an attempt to stop them getting an education. Thirty Years of DNA Forensics: How DNA Has Revolutionized Criminal Investigations., See here: Innocence Project, Eyewitness misidentification, Crime in the United States 2012: Persons Arrested,. The way to avoid these problems with eyewitness testimony is for police to adopt best practices based on the psychological research. His doctors maintained that he was suffering from pre-senile dementia, and he couldnt remember three numbers backwards or the name of the US president. A neurologist also claimed that Saunders brain was small for a man his age and showed evidence of shrinking. In other words, the confirmatory remark made the mistaken eyewitnesses just as persuasive as the accurate ones. One eyewitness couldnt recall whether the detective had told him anything after he identified Grant, but the detective acknowledged telling that particular eyewitness good job following the identification. The reliability of these alleged identifications was suspect, since the officers would have had only a fraction of a second to observe the driver whizz by them at a high rate of speed at night. 'You're supposed to interview me but you're actually having a confrontation with me,' he told Amanpour. Examples of when an expert witness may be needed include: To hire an expert witness, you may make contact with us via our simple online contact form, call us on 01865 587 865 or by requesting a call back from our team via the link below. 23 United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 230, 288 (1967). [Youre smart and curious about the world. His subsequent return to business raised further questions about the evidence that led to his early release. Now the influential New Jersey Supreme Court has instructed police and judges to take into account an array of responses that might prevent mistaken identifications. In one of the earliest studies of this misinformation effect run by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects were shown a slideshow of a red car passing a stop sign and hitting a pedestrian. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By itself, that fact only shows that contaminated memory is unreliable (just as contaminated DNA evidence is). Harvard Univ Press; Cambridge, MA: 2011. They found that when showing violent and non-violent crimes on videotape to subjects and then prompting them with questions later, the witnesses had more and more difficulty remembering certain details as the violence in the video went up.8. Opinion: Why does Mexicos president want to dismantle the democratic system that elected him? Research has repeatedly demonstrated that simple confirming comments such as these have dramatic effects on eyewitnesses testimony. But eyewitnesses allege she was severely beaten and died as a result of police brutality. Women in Iran have all the necessary, required freedoms within the framework of the law,' he added. Many more sit in prisons who have not had the opportunity to have their cases re-investigated or samples re-tested. The murder victims cold case evidence was there because the case had recently been reopened; the 1969 preschoolers DNA sample was there as part of an active murder investigation, and Leitermans DNA sample was there because he had recently been arrested for forging a prescription. No comments have so far been submitted. Most of these witnesses personally knew Flowers, and many had grown up with him, lived in his same neighborhood. Medicolegal court reports are requested where expert witness evidence is required. The parole board initially approved him for release. Although the high accuracy of an initial ID made with high confidence is important to appreciate, the low accuracy of an ID made with low confidence may be even more important to appreciate. This can be true even in situations where the witness has an ample opportunity to observe the offender. It turns out, back in 1998, just days after the crime, the NYPD had a main suspect for the murder of Al Ward: a man named Mustafa. The variables include: viewing conditions (lighting-distance-duration), distracting stimuli (weapons-loud noises) and internal states of the observer (attention-motivation-skill-prejudice). In this case, 120 eyewitnesses from as far north as Grants Pass, Ore., to as far south as. It does make sure that photos in a lineup resemble one another.) Other major dangers that have plagued eyewitness reports are factors such as high-stress situations, how witnesses are interviewed by police, and whether the victim is the same or different race as the witness.6 In 2001, Meissner and Brigham performed a broad review of research on cross-race identification, analyzing data from 39 research articles and 5,000 subjects/witnesses. Videotaping allows for review of eyewitness testimony later on in the trial if the reliability of eyewitness testimony is called into question. Specifically, the eyewitness had identified the defendant from her window, as the defendant was standing in the dark next to a police officer; however, the eyewitness had pointed to the defendant spontaneously, without the police asking her to do so.16 The Court ruled that, because the police had not induced the identification under suggestive circumstances, the trial judge had not erred in admitting the eyewitness testimony without assessing its reliability under the second step of the Manson test.17 Hale is an Emmy-nominated executive producer for several true-crime documentaries highlighting wrongful convictions. What would that mean for the reliability of the blood or fingerprint evidence, for example, collected at that scene? circuit court, the 29-year-old was convicted of a rape that he did not commit and was sentenced to five life sentences. Medicolegal court reports are requested where expert witness evidence is required. Why are we still having these debates? The parking lot attendants provided a description of the driver to a police sketch artist and the sketch was published in a daily police bulletin. The psychiatrist found that she had an adjustment disorder at the time she killed her husband, enabling her solicitors to challenge her conviction for murder. Just because memory is malleablefor example, it can be contaminated with the trace of an innocent persondoes not mean that it has to be unreliable. Widespread civil unrest broke out in Iran following the suspicious death of Amini on September 16, 2022. Often, it can be the strongest evidence in a criminal case even though it can also be the most unreliable. If the contaminated evidence is relied on to establish guilt versus innocence at a trial, the risk of a wrongful conviction is high. Instructing an expert witness is not unusualthere are many much-publicised cases where the role of expert evidence has been significant. Therefore, it is important that the individuals allowed to testify are accurate in their recollections. According to the Innocence Project, mistaken identifications are the leading factor in wrongful convictions, accounting for almost 70 percent of the wrongful convictions overturned by post-conviction DNA evidence. A new version of that legislation, AB 308, is pending in the state Senate, though passage in this session is unlikely. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed legislation that, among other things, would have set up a task force to examine eyewitness testimony and establish voluntary guidelines to ensure that it was accurate. Alex Murdaugh's defense attorneys will deliver their closing arguments in his murder trial on Thursday as they seek to raise reasonable doubt about whether he killed his wife and son in 2021. bn. Many believe that this conviction was based on contaminated DNA evidence. 31 Elizabeth Loftus, Eyewitness Science and the Legal System, 14 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 110 (2018). Expert witness evidence is not needed in all legal proceedings but it plays an important part in many cases. Mahsa Amini, 22, died on September 16, three days after falling into a coma following her arrest, After the death of Mahsa Amini, Anti Iran protests have been held in many parts of the world. 'The issue in Iran at the moment is not that of hijab.'. Psychologists have learned a. In Perry v. New Hampshire, the Supreme Court barred the defendant from challenging the eyewitness testimony proffered by the state, even though the circumstances surrounding the eyewitnesss identification of the defendant were decidedly suggestive. She was sentenced to life in prison. Ruling in the case of a man convicted of manslaughter and aggravated assault, the court noted that several variables can produce mistaken eyewitness testimony. Not only do such statements inflate eyewitnesses confidence in the accuracy of their identification, but they lead them to falsely remember having been that confident all along. Questions were raised about the outcome after Ernest Saunders made a recovery following his release. 8 Clifford & Hollin, Effects Of the Type of Incident and the Number of Perpetrators on Eyewitness Memory, Journal of Applied Psychology 66.3 (1981). Perhaps one of the most striking examples of the flaws in eyewitness testimony is the case of Jerry Miller, who was convicted of rape, robbery and kidnapping in 1982. Blood and fingerprint evidence, per se, would not be deemed unreliable. Assistant Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University. But a closer examination of those witnesses testimonies reveals a few disconcerting factors: the earliest testimony from a witness came a month after the murders, and other testimony came nine, twelve months later. Several police officers reported and later testified at Heidelbergs criminal trial that they observed him driving the subject vehicle as it sped past them at various points during the chase. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, Overall, an issue plaguing both courts and law enforcement is the lack of standard procedures to safeguard defendants against unreliable eyewitness testimony. Kendall Taggart BuzzFeed News Reporter The shooter had borrowed Heidelbergs car, and when Heidelberg went to retrieve his car later that night he was arrested by officers at the scene. While his potential release faced intense scrutiny, it demonstrates how influential an expert witness report can be. Yet, based on, among other things, this powerful purported eyewitness evidence, Heidelberg was convicted. Type above and press Enter to search. Given the prevalence and impact eyewitness testimony can have within a criminal case, it is important to take steps to make it a more reliable practice. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. In Manson, the Supreme Court highlighted reliability as the linchpin in determining the admissibility of identification testimony and adopted a totality of the circumstances test to assess reliability in this context.10 In other cases, the circumstances of a purported witness identification may be flimsy; yet the prosecutors still rely on that identification, which is then presented as rock-solid evidence at trial. Advertise to our national and international criminal justice audience at The Crime Report and support our mission. More and more research has come out in the last few decades indicating that there are many dangers to relying on eyewitnesses, from the uncertainty of relying on a persons memory all the way to how they are questioned at the police station. Witness misidentifications can affect both plaintiffs and defendants. Juries are particularly prone to being swayed by eyewitness testimony, as evidenced in the Curtis Flowers case. 10 Manson v. Brathwaite, 432 U.S. 98, 114 (1977). My review of the transcripts from Grants trial suggests a simple explanation for these high-confidence mistakes: The police did not use scientific best practices for collecting the eyewitness identification evidence. According to the prosecution on the day of the murder, at around 7 am, Flowers walked from his home on the West side of town all the way to a sewing factory parking lot on the East side of town, crossing Highway 51, one of the towns largest streets, while doing so. 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