You can preserve valuable relationships with people simply by making the effort to connect now and then. Let me know if there are any days or times that work for you. Either way, I'd love to catch up soon. By keeping the above guidelines in mind, you can gracefully bridge these gaps in a relationship to reengage your network and build mutually beneficial relationships. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing next Thursday's insights." Subject line: Request to chat about [what you want to chat about]. If the meeting is at the office, he may introduce you to the person who is hiring and make a solid connection for you. In just 10 seconds, our free AI-powered tool will show you how to get 5x more jobs and opportunities on LinkedIn. >> 5 Copy & Paste Email Templates for Any Business. Try it. But you should contact them within a day while you are still fresh in their memory. Keep subject lines short and concise and include the most important information there. I'd really appreciate it. Are you still in touch with anyone there? Dont: Make it all about you. The most important point to remember when sending emails to old colleagues and catching up with old bosses is to sound genuine. On the other hand, if you assume they recognize your name without further context and they dont, the situation may become awkward. I hope this email finds you well. So it is better to keep them within thirty characters. Any aspiring professional or business owner knows the importance of networking, and while theres no shortage of networking events and opportunities, whether virtual or in-person, the part where most individualstend to fall short is the follow-up, which is almost entirely dependent on email (aside from LinkedIn). [Your Name]. Connect with career-minded Be sure to use the words that will motivate recipients to attend your meeting or at least respond to your email. I have often reminded clients, Guess what? Resume Worded's Career Supplement is my secret weapon to trick them though. Id love the chance to catch up and hear more about what youve been up to! Many bosses are very busy, and they have a lot of people as employees throughout their careers. Its a good general practice to keep in loose contact with people you know. Keep in mind that you should extend this wait time for every subsequent email you send in order to avoid annoying prospects. Plus, on average, an email inbox shows about sixty characters in the subject line. Let's dive into each of these five components. I cant believe its been [time frame]! In recognizing that you are aware that they may be short on time to fulfill your request, giving the other person an out will also help both you and your contact to save face in the event that they cannot help you. Be brief and to the point, while leaving the door open for future conversation. [Your number] Digital Marketer: "Your 7-figure plan goes bye-bye at midnight". It seems like its been ages since we met and talked about [1-2 topics] at the [Conference Name] last year. If youre open for a phone/video call on [day proposed], let me know! Having some common ground will give you something to talk about, and they might be flattered that you asked them for advice. Hi [Name], Follow Up. Best, Template #2 The Person Who's More Senior Than You. But you're looking for a new job so you want to "touch base". 2. Keep it short and simple. Find out if you're making costly mistakesand how to fix them. But if you're planning to send multiple follow-ups, you should extend the wait period after each follow-up email you send. Step four requires you to move on to the main subject of the email. Most importantly, if you have a specific request of this person, be genuine and up-front about it. Read more about Martin here. The rules of thumb for networking email subject lines are generally the same as those for general email subject lines. Avoid making any false promises. If your relationship was more formal in nature, perhaps a former boss or client, you might say something like Reconnecting in the subject line. Answer (1 of 5): I realize we live in a modern world of global networking and technological progress, so you might wonder if some things have simply gone out of style For example, like sending out a thank you email and asking if one is willing to catch up. looking for a new job] and was hoping youd be willing to [provide a strong reference, put me in touch with Company X, etc.]. Lets Meet. if moving to a new city) Email Template #3: How to reconnect with an old colleague or supervisor Email Template #4: How to approach a contact about job openings or leads Subject line: A quick hello (and congrats on the [achievement]! [Your Name]. Congratulations! You can find lots more follow-up email templates here. You can also use their job title, mutual interests, events that you both have attended in past or the topics your recipient is interested in. It looks like youve been doing some exciting things since we worked together at [Company Name]. Bring Back Good Memories. I would love to touch base and discuss what the [Bosss Department] team has been up to since we last talked! had five recruiters pitching me jobs on LinkedIn. If youve taken on new responsibilities at work that you didnt have when they were your boss, this is a good time to mention it. After asking how they are, introduce some small talk. How to put your customers into a holiday slumber: To our valued customers, As the end of the year draws near, wed like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your support. Just useful career tips sent in small nuggets so it's not overwhelming and easy to apply." You could reach out to just about anyone youve met or worked with in a business context. It was an honor talking to you in that meetup, [NAME] Here are some pointers on creating email subject lines that work for your email crusades: Send a clear message for each email the content line should apply to the entire email. Do you have time for a quick phone/Zoom call next week? 2023 Resume Worded. Hope you're doing well 6. Thanks so much, Continuing our conversation [from event name]/[about topic], [Something specific you said youd share] and other things, Introduction from [insert name or company here]. Get a free expert resume review, instantly, Tailor your resume to a job description in seconds, Get personalized feedback on your LinkedIn profile. They might be really glad to hear from you. Taking the perspective of shared responsibility for the lapse in contact, or looking at your outreach as a positive event and a good reason to reestablish a relationship with your contact can be helpful in overcoming the mental hurdle to your initial outreach. Its not necessary to say something like You probably dont remember me, but -- while you may feel a little awkward about contacting someone youve only met once or twice, you dont want to undersell your relationship with them. Keep the subject line short. Make sure you pick the right subject that tackles the main point of the email. Email subject line when following up after a meetup. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Writing Skills. Hey [Name], Rule 2: Touch base with your supervisor before you leave (if you still can) Im a former employee of [Company Name]. It's perfect when you want to simply say, "Hello." Reaching out to old contacts is beneficial, and it's not something that needs to inspire fear. - Ashley B. Day 14: Follow-up #4. Day 14: Follow-up email #3. An email without a suitable greeting is rarely seen, and many people will think of it as far too rushed to be taken seriously. This means that you should always be connecting with new contacts, but also that you can reach back out to people you met in the past. Even If it's not the above case and you simply want to get in touch. Tough Mudder uses this catchy email subject line. This is [Your Name]. If you are good at networking and building relationships with people you meet, the connections you form can elevate you to new levels of professional success -- and you might make some friends while youre at it! Do you have any availability this or next week? Use short paragraphs and ensure you only cover one or two points in each paragraph. I admire [what you admire after giving the site a thorough browse]. I know youve been in that field for some time and I wanted to ask if youd be willing to share some of your wisdom and experience with me. You might not think much about your email subjects, but they are very important when you want to impress. This gives readers the impression that the clock is ticking and that they have to act quickly to get in on the action. Building and nurturing our personal and professional networks is essential for career success, withresearch showing that robust networks lead to better opportunities, faster advancement, and greater status, among other benefits. Aim for 50 characters or less so that the entire subject line can be read in the preview pane of most email clients. Best, It can be hard to keep up with all of these people. Thank you for the LinkedIn checklist! I see that [check up on their site to see whats new and mention it]. JetBlue: "You're missing out on points.". Thanks! Check out our award-winning blog, free tools and other resources that make online advertising easy. Checking in 2. The use of a catchy subject line is just one of the key components for the purpose of a networking email. Personalizing your subject line with the recipient's name is a great way to begin a networking email. 22. How exciting! If theres anybody from my previous department you could put me in touch with, Id greatly appreciate it! Get the weekly email that will show you how to accelerate your career, grow your network and turn your career into a rocketship. You can avoid adding too . They also havent contacted you over the last 10-plus years. [Your name] from [your company],seeking meeting, 11 Reasons Your Google Ads Arent Showing, 21 Facebook Advertising Tips to Try Right Now, 120 of the Best Marketing Words and Phrases, 15 Insanely Effective Sales Promotion Examples, The Comprehensive Guide to Online Advertising Costs, The Last Guide to Account Structure Youll Ever Need, 120 Best Words and Phrases for Marketing with Emotion, The Most Popular Keywords in 100+ Industries, 9 Things We Learned from Analyzing 600+ Google Ads, Always-Updated Online Advertising Benchmarks, Follow-up email to continue the conversation, Additional follow-up networkingemail subject lines, Reconnection email to maintain relationship, Additional reconnection networking email subject lines, Informational interview email (career growth), Informational interview email (business owner), Reaching out to someone you were referred to, Additional outreach/introductory networking email subject lines, 5 Copy & Paste Email Templates for Any Business, 30 Free Small Business Email Examples & Templates, 62 Free Marketing Templates You Didnt Know You Needed. Third, and most important, mention something highly specific in your email that the person said or demonstrated during your conversation with them. You might not need to say how you know each other, and even if you havent talked in a while, grabbing lunch or coffee together can be a fun, low-key way to reconnect. These starting words have found their way to your inbox likely too many times. You can mention their company name, their name, or their needs. This resource is only available until Mar 04, 2023. I hope youve been doing well. After sending billions of emails to our customers and subscribers at Sumo, here are 10 of the best performing email subject lines we've uncovered: Subject Line. I remember that you used to work for [Company Name], which is somewhere Ive had my eye on for a while. And this is why proper networking communication is so important. I recommend it to all my friends who are job searching.". To craft it, "I recommend researching what the person has been up to," Zack says. Is there a day sometime soon when youd be free to go to lunch and catch up? Want to send anauthentic holiday greeting this year your customers will actually read? You might say something like, Im sure you are very busy, so if this is not a good time for you (or if you dont feel like you know this person well enough to make an introduction), I completely understand.. Would you have any time in the near future to chat (over the phone or in-person) about the awesome work youre doing at [persons company]? Congratulations on [new job, life event, etc. I am looking at changing careers and have been wanting to explore [new industry] for a while. My schedule is very flexible, so I can absolutely work around yours, but here are some days/times that work for me in case it helps you: How are things going at [their company name]? Use these tips and templates to write networking emails and subject lines that will get you connecting, communicating, and building your career for weeks and years to come. Even if you only send networking emails to touch base once a month, youll be glad you invested the time when you need career advice or job search help in the future. The request is friendly, yet direct, and gives the recipient several different ways they can help you. -Meeting Time. This message can be something like this: Hey [name], Depending on the form of the meetup and the time spent communicating with your contact prior to emailing him/her, you can go either casual or polite with your follow-up email subject line: Examples. Ask for a Meeting. Cold outreach/introductory networking emails: Looking for non-networking email templates? Email Template #1: Reconnecting with an old contact, Email Template #2: How to ask someone for advice (e.g. Avoid suspicious-looking subject lines. I hope you and your family are doing well. Hey {!First Name}, reminder: {!action or deliverable} by {!date}. Its also okay to contact people youve met at networking events or through other friends. [Briefly explain why youre contacting them, e.g. Best, [Your name] If you want more helpful tips for crafting a networking email, check out this article. In my own experience sending these types of email, and that of my clients, when there is name recognition by the person receiving the email, the response rate has been over 90% with one of these subject lines. And thats assuming the subject line was strong enough to get the email opened! Sumo's best email subject lines. - Want to meet you. Blast From the Past! Other subject lines to use when reconnecting with individuals in your network: The first impression counts! One thing to note here: While networking emails should be short, your cold outreach introduction emails can be a little longer. When someone you know is in the city, company, or industry youre interested in, you can send them a casual, non-intrusive message to ask for the inside scoop. Hi [Contact Name], Ill leave it to you two to find a time to connect! Make It Straightforward. We've interviewed 50+ hiring managers and recruiters and identified the 10 most important things they want to see on your resume. If you ever want to meet up for coffee or have a phone/video chat to exchange ideas, let me know! You only have so much space to make the right impression. Get proven strategies on how to unlock your career's potential, meet VIPs in your industry and turn your career into a rocketship. 64%. at the virtual marketing conference last year] and spoke about [topic]. Don't under- or overestimate your professional relationship with that person. By saying something like, Please let me know how I can be helpful to you, either now or in the future, you open the door for them to reach out for help when they need it. "I will never understand how this is free. Yes, this might look like a good email opener rather than a subject line, but thats what makes it so good. Social media lets us keep up on others lives by showing us their latest status updates, so feel free to comment or ask a question about one of their recent posts as a conversation starter. This article will explore how to say hi to an old boss via email. Please make sure you have typed your email address correctly so we can send you the checklist. Bookmark it and you'll never get stuck on an email again. Dear [their name], I'm [your name] and I am a [your job title] at [company name] in [location]. By viewing your request in the context of a larger, reciprocal relationship and asking how you can be helpful to the other person, you help to build the relationship. If they are able to help you with your request, sending a follow-up thank you note and even a small gift like a bottle of wine or gift card for their favorite coffee shop can be a nice touch. No one wants to bethatperson. Say so. Enter your email and we'll send you the free checklist right away. 13 email marketing trends you must know. Get straight to the point, avoid waffling. Ashley Ensure that you use catchy email titles to grab attention and trigger your audience to open and take action. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is by changing the sender's name to YOUR name or someone in the company that is well known. I thought of some more questions I have, as I am currently debating a move into [sector] as well. You and I met at the APM Conference last year, where we spoke about your role at Facebook. People get swamped. We've interviewed 15+ LinkedIn experts and hiring managers to identify the easiest and most effective things to do to improve your LinkedIn profile's reach, discoverability and connections. You can share those resources later or when you meet up. Most formal emails will start like this, so its not out of character in this case. Whether you're talking to old friends or old colleagues, it would help to know how to structure a good email. Regardless of whether your contact is able to help you, letting him or her know in a short note that you appreciate their reply and are glad to be back in touch can leave both parties feeling good about the interaction. Make sure your boss remembers you. Answer (1 of 12): So, you are trying to contact your previous boss this simply means that you had a good relation and it's just that you guys have not communicated for a long time, so just go and mail/msg your boss as you would. CENTER. You didn't bother to make contact till now. P.S. This is the main hook of the email. Yes, its awkward, but you should still do it. Here are some examples of how to phrase an email subject for a job application by placing the job title first: Graphic Designer application IT Specialist - John Doe Resume Associate Director, Chicago branch 5. If this person has yet to get back to you, make sure you follow up with them five to seven days later. If the context of your relationship was less formal, say a college or graduate school classmate, you might use a bit of humor and say something like Blast from the past in the subject line. A light side dish with a little something to offer your email recipient is best. How are things at [Company]. Using the phrases Remember me? or You probably dont remember me, but devalues your connection with that person by suggesting you may not have been important enough to be memorable. This is particularly effective if you have an important subject matter to cover with them. At the same time, you also want to make it somewhat tentative by recognizing that they are likely very busy. Tip #2. Within hours of the event is not necessarymaybe even a bit aggressive. Reaching out to those that weve lost touch with doesnt have to be a huge hurdle to asking for help when we need it. Do: Keep it short and sweet. Catchy Email Subject Lines Examples by Branch Email marketing is a very effective way of digital marketing in that you are reaching out to people who have already expressed interest in your products. Dont under- or overestimate your professional relationship with that person. The more you can sell yourself and prove to them that you have new duties, the better off youre going to be. Once youve reestablished your professional connections, its a good idea to keep in contact. Could we set up a short meeting sometime in the next week or two? The 27 Best Networking Email Subject Lines (+9 Full Templates!). "Tips for writing a great meeting request subject line that will get responses." "7 tips on how to write an irresistible invitation email." For More: 111 Business meeting email subject line examples & Samples. If you can, include an invite to get coffee or lunch. Either way, its good to make sure you set up a strong subject that covers the reason why youre emailing. How's It Going? You have only one chance to make a first impression, so make it count. This email feels like someone is actively looking out for my career and showing me how not to f*ck things up." Email subject line best practices. "I've 3x'd my salary in just two years. Dont: Fail to maintain the relationship. You want your tone to appear confident in that you believe that this request is something that the other person is able to say yes to. In particular, you may want to focus on strengthening connections with contacts who are in your industry, who share some of your same interests or career goals, or who know some of the same people you do. ", Claim the free resource for career changers. Ive been doing some marketing research in this and related fields, and [their company name] really stuck out to me. Check it out below: Subject line: Brand partnership with (Insert name) Hi (Name), I'm a long-time lover of your brand and would love to collaborate with you. Sample follow up subject lines for Networking: . - Andrew R. "No fluff. Once youve established a suitable greeting, there are a few things youll want to get out of the way in the subject of the email. One chance to make sure you follow up with all of these.... Like youve been doing some marketing research in this and related fields, and have. Step four requires you to move on to the point, while leaving door. 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