For example, one study found that encouraging students to reflect on what theyre learning and how they learn had a positive impact on their learning outcomes, and had additional benefits when it came to their critical thinking skills and their ability to organize their thoughts. It is something I want to look into further so that I can teach students the dos and donts, especially when it comes to music. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. It is definitely a skill they will use for the rest of their lives. I especially liked the press conference and board game ideas, pertaining to famous composers. My personal goals to become a leader consist of focusing on further education myself and improving my confidence in the classroom. I would use laptops in my classroom to have students create projects like power points, do research, compose music online, and play educational music games online. For this module I developed a lesson plan asking students what instruments they would choose for an orchestra. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what you're learning and how you're learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. It is a model that other schools should use to improve the quality of education that students receive. Some have died. Holding an open house once a quarter would be one way to get parents into the school. My two years of teaching were very isolated and frustrating. For example, if youre studying for a test, you can engage in reflective learning by asking yourself how well you understand each of the topics that youre studying, and based on this figure out which topics you need to spend more time on. This is because the protg effect means that shared reflective learning can help not only the person who is reflecting, but also those who help them do it. These tests were very high stress. He loves talking about technology and amazes us on the topics he is familiar with. I would definitely consider modifying a computer to eliminate distractions for students. First, school is over fast. I miss my teacher! Things moved so quickly since mid-March that its been hard to stop and let everything sink in. I would also like to try an online quiz taking site in the future. My personal experience using technology in the classroom was limited because the schools technology was limited. I have picked up lots of ideas that I will most definitely by using in the future, and it has made me very excited . Reflection about learning modular in new normal? For our big assignment I had the students create power point presentations in the lab, researching their information on the internet. This is the only time I really am the most effective and efficient. While we were learning from home, we were also alert to events outside our school that prompted students and teachers to engage in a deeper way than the previous flow of the school day provided. It gives plenty of ideas I can use in my classroom in place of the typical writing assignment, yet the students still learn quality information. Can a virus get on your computer if you have up-to-date virus protection? When done as a shared activity, reflective learning can take many forms. It would also tell a teacher whether or not they are truly teaching so that the students understand based on students results. However, potential distinctions between these terms are generally not important from a practical perspective, since they are unlikely to influence how the underlying concepts are implemented in practice. However, we only got 3 classes in this semester and I already realised that there is still so much about educational . You can see Part One here.). Even though I teach music, this would be a fun site to allow students to visit (probably more on the elementary age) when they are finished with projects and have free time. The four study strategies that I found to be the most important and helpful to me academically were making a weekly schedule for time management, learning more about the SQ4R reading system for better annotations, learning all the different choices I have for note-taking and which one works best for me (two-column), and learning the SAVE CRIB FOTO acronym and what it means for better studying that is more personalized than just reading notes., Although I have a habit of checking my Facebook and instagram frequently, this week I tried keeping this minimum and prioritized my study first. I found the article by typing the phrase, pros of word processing into a Bing search engine.This information makes sense and should not be a surprise. I liked this site because there are many different spreadsheets to choose from. End of Module Reflection | A Journey Through Learning A Journey Through Learning Kirsten Farquhar's Professional Learning Site MenuSkip to content Home Standard for Provisional Registration End of Module Reflection 1 Reply Throughout this 1st semester, I have enjoyed the HWB module. Next, theres no waiting on students and its quiet. The large (masked) gatherings to protest the death of George Floyd and centuries of institutionalized racism were the first time many of us left our homes in New Jersey. I also liked how it had different formats to choose from. Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning | Edutopia Teaching Strategies Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning Experiences during remote learning inspire a teacher to reconsiderand refreshher curriculum for the fall. Templates let us get the job done faster and more efficiently. Some of these changes or insights I hope to take with me into this coming school year, whatever that may look like. After seeing the great resources on the internet, my teaching can be greatly enhanced by some of those resources, especially in my music appreciation classes. Which learning techniques do I feel are helpful? It almost seems too good to be true.Modeling and enforcing cyber ethics in my classroom would be simple and probably only take a few extra minutes when I am doing lesson plans. For example, you can give students a worksheet a day after an important exam, which has questions that guide them through the reflective-learning process. You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo. They give us ideas for things we probably would not have thought of on our own, and lets admit it, some of us just arent that creative! My reflection to this thing is having modular in new normal is hard, because the lesson in module is not all in the internet. I imagine it will take a while for teachers, staff, and students to have enough quiet moments to come to terms with all we have experienced (if we ever do), as Covid-19 spikes and virtual learning stretches on. I recorded myself giving a mini-lesson focused on sexism in the 1950s and 1960s, used ads and photos from the time as visuals, and then foregrounded the problems in a way that students could linger with and use later in short papers. If a teacher wants to truly evaluate a students understanding of a topic, this rubric would be extremely helpful. Similarly, in some cases, you might want to quickly ask yourself is this learning technique working well for me?. I would love to have online learning integrated into the natural high school environment, seeing as I am getting so much more done in such a shorter time, and I feel like Im actually learning the material and not just grazing over it like I would in a standard classroom. This involves reviewing them on a monthly basis, at a bare minimum. Time is so important to teachers and not having to reinvent the wheel for every little thing is invaluable. This would greatly help students who are easily distracted while on the computer, especially when doing research for a project or paper. Experiences during remote learning inspire a teacher to reconsiderand refreshher curriculum for the fall. For example, reflective learning can prompt students to generate helpful feedback that instructors can then use to improve their teaching, for instance by identifying areas where students require more thorough explanations, or by identifying teaching methods that need to be modified. Stress is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body. The Role of a Teacher in Modular Distance Learning. It was clear that technology cannot replace good teaching, it simply enhances it. This will allow you to have 5-6 minute training sessions that employees can use throughout your organization, opposed to being embedded in a larger training course. The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. I miss my friends. It covers an extensive amount: intervals, chords, scales, etc. Concluding from the experience -Theorist Stage 4? It is becoming increasingly obvious that what worked in classrooms 20 years ago is no longer successful, or in some cases, practical. Reflection on the learning and next learning steps . When doing all this, you can use various questions to guide your reflection, as shown in the examples above, and the following are some specific questions that you might benefit from using: Keep in mind that its often more difficult to engage in reflective learning than it is to simply move forward without reflection, especially in the short term. Although more difficult in a music setting, inquiry based learning is still possible. Get started Skolera for FREE. It takes awhile of trying a new study strategy to know if it actually works for you, so do not give up the first time you try it for any reason. Early on, my students took attendance online by rating their mood, and when our district started allowing us to use video classes, I also checked in by sharing online puzzles to start class or putting students in Zoom breakout rooms with several classmates at random. Reflective learning can be something that you do by yourself or together with others. Here is their podcast titled Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View: Thanks to Tristan, Sydni, Carsen, Jay, Rich, Patrick, and Mara for their contributions! In 2008 libraries that do not have filtering software risked losing state funding. March 2020 June 2020; Ms. D: In March, Ms. D planned to mostly stick with her curriculum, such that all assignments stayed on the calendar. It contains information that I am not yet familiar with and have bookmarked the site to review it in more detail later. Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. These programs seem like they will take a lot of dedication. A few students cited teacher mini-lectures as a driver of learning this year, and There There became a favorite text for a handful. This module really made me think about and analyze how I look at web sites on a daily basis. My son joined briefly to talk about a recent Avator obsession; our class felt almost like a family. Free refreshments could be offered, student work displayed, and even a skit or small performance could be performed. Reflection on Distance Education Created by Schmitz, Carrie A, last modified by Kelly, Bradley P on Nov 02, 2010 From The Viewpoint of Someone That Has Taken Several Distance Learning Courses: After spending the last year taking online classes, I feel that distance learning has a lot to offer. In the future, if you could choose, would you want to do more online learning? When encouraging reflective learning in others, you should remember that the end goal is to help them develop their skills and improve their learning outcomes. It can bring you to forgetting important dates or deadlines. : At first, it was incredibly difficult transitioning from traditional high school to online learning,. This will bring you success in your academic, This stress is sometimes carried over as we wait for our pending exam scores. This site is a very good tool that I added to my favorites list. Furthermore, if you do this, you can also ask yourself what all the techniques that work well for you have in common. instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. They dont really relate to music, but the ecosystems page was interesting. For instance, instead of worrying about my final GPA at the end of a semester, I will start strong at the beginning of the semester by working for the grade I strive to receive one day at a time. Nevertheless, one possible way to differentiate between them is to say that people engage in reflective learning with regard to events where learning is the main goal, and in reflective practice with regard to events where learning is not the main goal. Overall, I prioritized on doing my assignments and studies rather than other activities and this utilized my free time., From my findings, here is my action plan to improve my time management. I could have used this resource a long time ago! I think it is awesome that there is access to health care and mental health services right on the school campuses. Since I am a music person, I liked the frog songs page. I had only been out of college for 5 years and had no idea how one functioned- I can only imagine how veteran teachers less technical than I felt! One of the main things from the text reading that stuck out to me was the example of the community program based on the needs of the community. All other student commentators today work with Robert G Taylor, Ed.S., and Jon Harding at the Kansas State School for the Blind. Many of the household items we use and by have boxtops on them. I recommend students should take this assessment because it can help you a lot in so many ways, but it really can help you to limit and schedule your time each day a little better so you can focus more on your goals .I am very determined to make better improvements to both of these sections and focus on my future career and goals., To become truly engaged and to be able to actually learn to a higher level as students we must take a much more serious and active role. Modular learning gives them an extra strain on the family. I think it is a great idea and I would have loved having a mentor as a student. I avoided playing games on my cell phone. Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. Getting parents involved in their students education is extremely important. I provided this link as well because it gives step-by-step instructions on how to decrease the amount of information displayed on the computer screen, helping students focus better. Are there any changes that I can make to my learning process to make it better for me? The contents of the modules are not compatible with the level of parents and students, which is why they cannot understand. One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . Aproject unique to this time was a Covid Journal, in which students tracked the news and their responses to it in an electronic or paper journal. The benefits of using these resources are well worth the extra time and planning that they would require. Citing sources on class materials would show students how to properly cite materials in actual situations. When you are done checking your email, make sure you log off. Why do I feel that they are helpful? Giving quizzes online is something I never tried but would like to try in the future, especially if computers and internet access were more readily available. I hope to overcome this weakness of mine by dealing with life one day at a time. As such, you want to avoid the potential pitfalls of promoting reflective learning in an inappropriate manner. This lesson plan utilizes an important technology skill- email. But at the same time, many of us have also found new ways to be flexible, connect, and grapple with the world around us that we might have avoided or skipped over before. My virus protection is Norton Internet Security 2011. Reflective practice involves actively analyzing your experiences and actions, in order to help yourself improve and develop. I have found that it is useful to require the students to write the information on all of the slides before they begin using templates or colors and backgrounds. Then we could play it for the class.There were a couple of points from the text that jumped out at me. Not really any fit into the music classroom itself, but there were some that I could use as a teacher. I was not aware of all of the software available on the internet, especially for music. Just because there is filtering software does not mean it is fail proof, and students are always finding ways around it to access their favorite social networking or gaming sites. I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and its content. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Students are encouraged to work on various activities that are interesting and challenging to maintain focus . Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what youre learning and how youre learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. This year, were doing all of our classes via Zoom, and thats greatly impacted my views on online learning. Login every day It is easy to forget about things buried under a wall of tabs but I will endeavour to log on and at least look around and keep myself abreast of everything on a daily basis. Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. I did not see an option to have the test online, but if you wanted a paper test to hand out, this would be the way to go. Students can be transported to a different place and see things that they would never be able to see in the regular classroom, and perhaps see history in the making as new things are discovered. 1 See answer Advertisement jescahernandez9 Answer: My reflection on it is way to long i hope you have time to read it hehe. I used tools similar to this to create crosswords for my students in the past, and they are very helpful. "Learn at my own pace" Jay Walker is a junior at Smithville High School in Smithville, Mo. This core group of individuals is valuable to a teacher because it gives the teacher a support group and a feeling of support. The web sites depicting learning strengths could easily be given to students on the first day of classes. I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column. I will admit that I am guilty of assuming that students have some research skills and already know how to weed out the good web sites from the bad. Students need to feel like they are important, like they belong, and like they have something to contribute. In order to get students to review for a test, I could even have THEM make the games on their computers, which would get them to pick and choose the important topics we have covered. As a music teacher, the majority of my classes focus on performing in concerts, but I do have a music appreciation class in which I can refine my lesson planning skills and where I have more of a choice of what I want the end results to look like. I also could see how, with the right equipment, listening centers or even a class website would allow students to flip through various genres of music over a short period of time, comparing and contrasting what they hear. After you have tried a study strategy at least three times, and you can clearly tell that it is still not helping much, then you can quit using it and try a different one that might suit your learning style and preferences better. It takes less time than actually drawing a graph, allowing students to play with more data and see how they can manipulate the results. Why do I feel that they are unhelpful? After the whirlwind and stress of the last few months, the end felt like a slow exhale instead of a bangor, as a student said, one of those balloons that float to the ceiling outside your grasp and then slowly deflate on their own. An athlete whos preparing for a competition can think about which learning strategies arent working well for them and why, and then either improve the way they use those strategies, or replacing those strategies with better ones. Accordingly, when deciding whether and how to make reflective learning a shared activity, its important to consider the situation, and take any potential advantages and disadvantages into account. The high school I attended (located in PA) had senior projects instead of testing. However, that doesnt mean that I would be opposed to doing assignments online; I just want the instruction to be in a classroom, because its nice to know that youre truly not the only one who may be lost. By accomplishing all this you will have a very organized day with very minor stress. As we move into what is likely a hybrid learning model this fall and cant check in as easily by noticing a facial expression or posture, I realize that the success of learning depends on consciously building in opportunities for connection, particularly when showing up is literally rolling out of bed and clicking a post. I like remote learning. I feel that web site evaluation techniques are extremely important for students. There are several things that you can reflect on: You can reflect on these things in various ways and to different degrees. Accordingly, the importance of reflective learning is widely recognized in various fields, and its an important part of many education, training, and work programs. 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