Where it is shown that prosecutors have materially contributed and certainly likely caused wrongful conviction, they should be sentenced to a proportion of the sentence their victims received, in my view. But Allison and Anna are adults now. This page was last edited on 9 August 2020, at 14:16. https://en.everybodywiki.com/index.php?title=Nancy_Lyon&oldid=936769. He is right where he needs be to keep society safe. Tim, thanks so much for the kind words about the blog! Death bed declarations are not considered hearsay. The real person who had enough contact and motive was the hospital in its efforts to avoid a wrongful death/malpractice suit. THANK YOU!!!! I will never believe, as some suggested, that his tears were just a ploy to win the jurys sentiments. He should never get out. Why no outrage over what Bill Jr. did and what state would ever hand over two young girls to such a man? Not only was Richard the one with actual motive, the fact that they were getting a divorce, then briefly got together before she died, is a VERY common spouse-murders-spouse pattern: a divorce in the works, one spouse sees what it will cost him/her, decides he/she can get more, then asks his/her spouse to try one more time (to stop divorce proceedings), so he/she can clean up as a widow instead. Nancy would get sick/notice a bad taste/powder in drinks supplied to her by Richard. It wasnt a third party because: Told to you by him? Chemical Engineering Co., where Richard claimed the arsenic came from, said that the receipts it issued to customers looked nothing like the one Richard presented; it was fabricated evidence. Richard Alexander: Wrongly Convicted of Rape, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Peterson_(criminal)#Owl_theory, https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Rogue-cop-gets-20-years-in-killing-2064331.php, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharee_Miller, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5vYDUYFjqw, https://www.innocenceproject.org/cases/michael-morton/, https://inmate.tdcj.texas.gov/InmateSearch/reviewDetail.action?sid=04503067&tdcj=00612188&fullName=LYON%2CRICHARD+ALAN+ABOOD, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. Dont drop the soap Richie!! The Friends of Richard Lyon website was proven to be a money-making scam. The two purposely tweaked their handwriting so it looked similar enough that he could get away with handing in papers shed written for him. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Does an atheist (I am not) have the right to condemn acts of brutality as much as the ardent believer as the repentance and forgiveness are complex issues and do not mitigate crimes. She passed away in 2009. One begins as just reaching out to a convict, and then when one begins to review the case, it become questionable. Unbelievable, isnt it? By 1990, they had two small daughters and lots of friends, swam at the country club, and joined in vacations underwritten by Nancys parents, William W. Dillard Sr. and Sue Stubbs Dillard. It was all a big joke to them. And then there was the grandfather who gave his son a pass about the whole thing!! She thought the affair might just blow over. He should NOT be paroled. The colonists were also familiar with how narrowly the right against double jeopardy had been defined in England and sought to enlarge the definition by making the right against double jeopardy applicable to all crimes not just capital felonies. The owl + drugs & wine + Kathleens panic may very well be the cause of her death. Of course there could but theres no reason/evidence to suppose it over and above the explanation that Lyon was the perp so the court didnt. Firstly, it is difficult to take responsibility for an action that you did not do. Richard took her to the hospital but the doctors couldn't find what had caused this severe sickness. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. And how a lawyer could have on his conscience that someone was imprisoned possibly, probably or certainly because of his ambition improperly to win his case is beyond me. But did the evidence support this conviction? I shouldve added above that of course juries can and should only judge on the evidence presented to them, rather than adding their own second-guesses, prejudices etc to the mix. It was a fake receipt that Richard discovered himself, that pointed away from Richard, and blamed the victim! Lilis presumed (because ambiguous) claim is far too tenuous as it stands to mean anything (see the questions I ask). On a subsequent try, he gave her vitamin capsules laced with the poison barium carbonate. No one ever made mistakes on dosages?! But he was ready for a criminal investigation into Nancy Dillard Lyons death just the same. No rescue. Reprint. 1) Vitamins/capsules that Nancy took contained poison. See https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Rogue-cop-gets-20-years-in-killing-2064331.php Besides, you should NEVER believe something because someone else may believe it. 1) While at college, Richard had Nancy write some of his assignments. In murdering Nancy five years later, Richard Lyon took away yet another child from the Dillard family. That murderer is due to get out soon. Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. If Eve died of poisoning that wasnt accidental or suicidal and assuming the absence of a toxic serpent (not that it could cause ingestion poisoning) its safe to assume Adams proximity is probative, despite absence of his fingerprints/DNA. The hospital did not poison but failed to test for it immediately. And no one committs suicide over the time days, months And if you just want attention from your husband (because you love your daughters), youd probably calculate the dose, not to be an overdose The wolves behind the sheeps.. Something looking obvious doesnt make it true! Being that easily fooled makes you look as gullible as him for imagining he could twist and turn things around and play the blame the victim game and win. This narrative has been spewed for decades and portrayed in film in addition to being plastered all over the Internet.. Just one of the many things that should be changed in the legal system, in my opinion. If they DID declare there was no merit, of course that severely weakens innocence claim. No matter how much he lies about it, the truth is clear as day. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. He was paid off to lie to protect his own skin and to secure the prosecutions case, something even A.W. Cause thats not what he told me. But he did not kill his wife. There can be SOME doubt , which is by definition unreasonable in compromising the reasonableness of the finding. Ironically, I received an anonymous email asking me to check out Stephanie Bates, the women who found the pills, and I have. Many examples of such, especially in TX. They married in 1982 and moved into a duplex in University Park, an affluent section of Dallas. Not a waste of time. If you could call him that! What is most disgraceful is the withholding of exculpatory evidence and the absurd 10-day prison sentence of the prosecutor found guilty of malfeasance. That law/right has ended up causing a lot of innocent people to end up in jail in that country, along with the beyond foolish war on drugs, which have put a lot of innocent mothers, wives, and girlfriends to end up in jail for longer than the actual drug dealers (Im talking about 20 year mandatory sentences, mandatory sentences for anything is foolish there are always exceptions)!!! But I doubt that that would have succeeded here. Richard forged the part of the diary about the abuse. Ivy League sweethearts. 2) While married, Richard had an ongoing affair. Well, I myself do not know definitively what happened to Nancy Dillard Lyons. And she told at least two people (doctors) that Richard was trying to kill her. She was about to testify against her former boss in a trial for an Embezzlement charge but was poisoned before she could do so. They MAY make his attempt to cheat the law by murder a little more plausible, but you press them too much. Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? But I could feel my focus changing. They took three hours to find Richard Lyon guilty of first-degree murder. Cathy: Hello. Which had proven his lies!! Watch the Forensic Files episode on YouTube. It seemed implausible to me at first as well, but implausible does happen occasionally. Tami Ayn Gaisford, Richards girlfriend, testified that Richard had told her that Nancy died from a rare fatal blood disease more proof that he was a liar. I remember the Danziger case, too so incredibly sad. If he ever does get out, he wont find Tami Ayn Gaisford the co-worker with whom he began an affair while married to Nancy waiting for him. He tried many times and with different poison. She told the doctor (her psychiatrist/psychologist) that she believed Richard was systematically poisoning her thats directly from the victim! The assignments things a non-event: plenty of college kids cheat. Plenty of husbands cheat via affairs. Thank you for your testimony! Without going further, there are questions regarding both of those pieces to include the actions of the DA. Read what CCA pressure treated wood can do. The truth will eventually come out. Thats the problem Perhaps youre implying that too many Americans are stupid, so unfit to serve. I knew you werent claiming the hos was responsible for the poisoning (though Lili may be); rather that they were negligent. I understand their concern. he highest exoneration rate in the country. She married Richard Lyon who was also in real estate development but was not nearly as successful as Nancy Lyon. Inconclusive. The problem is the cost of the trial and the fact that Texans have made Richard into a monster and Nancy into a saint makes it difficult for anyone to take the case. Dear RR: I will continue to post rebuttals to your blog post, which should have a disclaimer that it is an OPINION piece, borderline FICTION. Feel free to point out any specific thing you believe isnt fact. Guess the daughters, Anna and Allison really do wish to be left alone: neither one appears to support FORL/Cathy in their fathers conspiracy-steeped innocence. Neither does the Innocence Project. Required fields are marked *. Its likely someone in the home. The evidence adduced at trial revealed that the victim, Nancy Dillard Lyon, became sick in the early evening hours of January 8, 1991. Her husband, Richard, a well-known architect, had been poisoning her for years, most notably with arsenic, which killed her on January 14, 1991. That would appear to be a problem with schooling. If she were framing the husband, she could have done it rather quicker and hence less painfully. Paper Lyon. One was her psychiatrist/psychologist. The owl did it. The quoted remark is senseless: money yes; status no. Why would she put arsenic poison in her own vitamin pills and then take them? Perhaps others can cite examples. Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. At least, they assume, a convicted person has appeals. You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. The doctors there refused to acknowledge the poisoning because it would involve litigation. People dont normally do that when they have a positive relationship with their father. I came here tonight to see if anyone knows about the 2021 parole.. You are very blind. Post jury interviews revealed that they were on the verge of acquittal but the Couch testimony and hand writing testimony swayed them. I say keep the arrogant a hole in prison indefinitely. Not all people are as closed-minded as you are. Update on Nancy Dillard Lyons Killer Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. Juries lean towards conviction, they do not assume innocence as they are supposed to. The movie made it look like he could be either innocent or guilty. The supposed third party needed motive AND opportunity. One way is when they talk about the overall market, or other general information, instead of talking about the facts of THAT particular business. His father sold insurance. I agree. Your email address will not be published. You need to quit polluting the atmosphere not just the memory of the real victims Nancy and her family. No sane person would see the evidence, then actually believe that Richard is innocent. Youre as bad as the p.o.s. Required fields are marked *. First published November 1, 1993. Richard Lyon was born on April 22, 1957 to a middle class family of five children in Connecticut. That bid was rejected, although the Texas Department of Justice website gives no explanation. People should have learned that by now! Until next week, cheers. Theres always SOME person that stands by the killer, especially one that cleans up nice. How ridiculous! So it is sadly predictable. A real trustworthy man. Lyons sentence began on December 19, 1991 less than a year after Nancy Dillard Lyon died. That poor man. You are joking right! But I notice that you didnt point out anything specific that was actually incorrect, although you insinuated that the entire comment was fiction. The BEST example is Michael Morton https://www.innocenceproject.org/cases/michael-morton/. Excellent! She loved him unconditionally and he latched onto her for his own gain. 3) Is or has been, in a romantic/emotionally intimate relationship with Richard Lymon? The costs for a case like this is too much for them to handle and risk. Everyone had access to the Lyon home immediately after Nancy was admitted to the hospital. The justice system in the USA is broken. There are far too many crooked DAs and crooked cops. FRL: It was the poltergeist, then; a stranger; or Nancy herself? They succeeded in getting Richard Lyon removed from the Dallas Country Club and deposited into the W. F. Ramsey Unit on a prison farm in Rosharon. But if you werent born in North America, which I suspect you werent, since you seem mystified by the serpent (not to mention your name placing your birth elsewhere), it would be a confusing argument. Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Although Nancy enjoyed the East Coast, Richard made the well-reasoned suggestion that the couple should reside in Dallas, the Dillard family's power base. 3) Richards handwriting was identified by a forensic expert in Nancys diary accusing her brother of sexually abusing her. She survived that attempt. First, ALL comments are opinion pieces. Very glad to hear hes still behind razor wire. It creates tunnel vision, and isnt even close to reliable. He had made a fortune in commercial real estate in Texas. And there can be few crueler ways to kill than this appalling manner. I suggest you watch, Life After Life, the Michael Morton story. Surely the only role of the hospital would be to certify that you had been poisoned? Not a very well-made movie. That never happened. Curious as to how Richard explains (or explained) the baggie of empty capsules in his apartment? Personally, Id probably force a mistrial, as I care far more for real justice, than the law. My belief is that she committed suicide and framed her husband so he wouldnt be able to get custody of their children. Interesting correlation https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/26/us/the-poison-is-arsenic-and-the-suspect-wood.html. The last two are interesting in that Willingham was executed and Danziger suffered permanent brain damage in prison due to mistaken identity by another prisoner. Its just conceivable that you could hate someone enough to poison yourself purely to frame them, at the expense of your own life, but its barely likely. Dallas, Dallas County, . Whether it was deliberate, and by whom, is a matter for the police and prosecuting authority, so why would the hospital be involved in litigation (unless you imply that the hospital was medically incompetent and you wished to sue it)? I spend my time in prayer for those in need and for truth. And suppose HE IS innocent, why should you call him arrogant, and why would he admit to something he did not do? Correction: FROM THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS: There is no PHYSICAL evidence that directly links Richard to sneaking poison into his wifes beverages. Of course, double jeopardy is in the Fifth Amendment and the Constitution isnt debatable! Despite Multiple Warnings Charles Couch, Alleged Oil And Gas Con Man Is Allowed To Skip The Country Colt Ledger & Associates Inc. is the private investigation firm in USA. Or the forged receipt, or the life insurance he thought he was going to get. Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon Birth 6 Aug 1953. Your email address will not be published. If you have a specific comment and question, please post it on the website http://www.richardlyon.org and we will be happy to address it. Invite friends and neighbors over to watch. And so Richard wasarrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Ha, ha, ha. Cmon, FRL, you sound like a character from Pilgrims Progress who has taken up residence in the Land of Denial. More people need to so that. Michael Mortens case is probably the best example. It investigates oil and gas. I agree, one must be a demon to kill in the first place and secondly a mother to two beautiful young girls. The system didnt work, or it did work?, The difficulty supporters of those they claim are wrongly convicted have is that they are usually, understandably, close to the convict, motivated by bonds of love and affection to support their claimed innocence. But nobody. Your statement he probably is your opinion. There are 100 others that say a different story. When you look at the FACTS, I cant think of any reason for this, other than an owl attack, which DOES happen; maybe the owl had just laid eggs. I sure wouldnt want the friend representing me. Occams razor (or Ockhams razor): suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. When Richard Lyon first began sneaking poison into his wifes beverages, he probably hoped she would die quickly and doctors would attribute the tragedy to natural causes, end of story. For these reasons Im cautious in averring that the jury was wrong particularly in the many cases on this site that have been through at least one appeal with the same conclusion. It would come up in court later. The American colonists were intimately familiar with English law and its principles were often quoted by the colonists in support of their claims that Parliament was exceeding its lawful authority and we know what that brought about! The drink tasted terrible and made her sick later that evening. Fortunately, the state of Texas and Nancys family werent so easily fooled. Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut with this . Im following up: do either of the daughters have a relationship with their father? He is a monster and I hope he never sees freedom. And its a real shame that good decent people are often the victims of narcissistic creeps. During her six-day stay at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas,Nancys violent illness continued and she begged the medical staff to save her life. For those who are curious, Anna and Allison are both well. She came in contact with wet, burnt, pressure treated wood. Maybe devote your energy in volunteering for needy children and adults people who matter. You should never believe something because someone else may believe it their children firstly, it difficult. Vision, and blamed the victim this page was last edited on 9 2020! Subsequent try, he gave her vitamin capsules laced with the poison barium carbonate were on verge. She committed suicide and framed her husband so he wouldnt be able to get the owl + drugs & +... Former boss in a trial for an Embezzlement charge but was poisoned before she could do so the. Took three hours to find Richard Lyon website was proven to be a nancy dillard lyon's daughters scam never... 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