I recommend taking the ferry to avoid the lake hike; the view doesn't much change, and there's a lot of clutter around the lake campsites that take away from it. Ascending Muir Pass from south to north was incredible. While there are no 14,000 ft peaks in these groups the peak are high and majestic. However, on the way back from Forsyth, I had some time to think about it while dealing with trail miles.On paper, 55 miles with 10k vertical in 12h15 looks soft; Yours Truly ran 50 miles with 12k vertical in about 9 hours at San Juan Solstice, and the . Piute Pass. The Florence Lake Store carries basic food and camping supplies. We slept near the shores of Evolution Lake. In the Spring of a snowy year it must be incredible. Didn't make it up to the lake, but SO HAPPY that we made it to the Hermit. We passed more than a dozen lakes some of which I will mention when I upload photos. At least there might be shade along this section, I thought to myself. We went north to south. Recommend to everybody. High Sierra Trails website makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of any of its maps. They are past the Muir Trail Ranch. At first the canyon was narrow, and the river had created deep channels to flow through. We slept in our vehicle at the trailhead the night before starting. Awesome views and an incredible variety of terrain. Personally, I simply call it a crazy, beautiful valley with great views. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Finally, two ladies told me that there was a spot just ahead, right next to the creek! Yay! In summary this section went from Lake Thomas A. Edison, crossed Seldon Pass, headed up Evolution Valley to Muir Pass into the Kings River Catchment to the base of the Golden Staircase. I checked my GPS and discovered that I had hiked almost 15 miles today! In other words, I was probably dehydrated. The rest were lazy snoozers. I used my water like always. They were running a bit late to make it to Canada before the Autumn snows, and they knew it. You have to cross a river to get to them. Slept like a drunken sailor. The trail on the left leads to Lower Honeymoon Lake. Every effort is made to provide accurate and up to date information, but we cannot be responsible for errors or for changes that may have occurred since publication. An incredible hike through the Sierras. 5.1 trip report. John Muir Wilderness sign in the Sierra National Forest good-bye Kings Canyon National Park! I jumped up and pumped them for information. Deer are seen occasionally. The Tyee Lakes part was not the most beautiful part and was pretty strenuous, but made transportation much easier. 4 days 3 nights 2 passes had a great time. An alternative trip to Evolution Valley begins at North Lake on the eastern side of the Sierra. I'll be going back next weekend into the Evolution Basin higher up. The canister is a whole lotta bulky but is worth its weight should a bruin decide hed like some chocolate with his berries. The trail even flattened out to make my way easier. Good campsites can be found there also. There was no bridge. Maybe not bathing for three days has its advantages. On the fourth day of my trek, I backpacked north from Evolution Lake, down into the Evolution Valley with its lush meadows and waterfalls, then down even further to the South Fork San Joaquin River, which I followed downstream yet more, until I left the JMT/PCT for the Piute Pass Trail, climbing this time . About two miles after leaving camp, we exited off the PCT/John Muir trail and started up to Piute Pass. Day 2 Evolution Valley 17.18 2977 AEG Emptied our packs and hiked down to the Muir Trail Ranch to pick our resupply. Didnt know you needed a reservation to drive through Yosemite, so consider going through Sonora Pass (unless you go through after 4pm). Campsites: Good sites along Evolution Creek by Evolution Meadow, McClure Meadow and Colby Meadow. $4,395: August 13-21. Would recommend to anyone wanting to experience the High Sierras. We did encounter several groups of happy campers who had spent the previous night at some of these lakes. Hike down 6.6 miles to LeConte Canyon, which is a very beautiful, deep canyon with lush meadows and forests. The trees were also providing good shade, except for a couple of bare places where avalanches had swept the forest away, leaving only chest-high chaparral. The forest and meadows of Evolution Valley had been very beautiful, as had the waterfalls along the way. For lunch we had tortillas with peanut butter or string cheese plus trail mix for snacks. Do you wish to share an stories about that particular spot? Starting at the North Lake TH, we will cross Piute Pass (11,423'). For a topographic map of the hike see my CalTopo Page, For LOTS more photos of the trek see my Flickr Page, Dawn alpenglow over Evolution Lake as I packed up all my gear for another big day of hiking, Dawn color in the clouds above Evolution Valley to the north, Waterfall on the creek that descends from Darwin Bench, after the JMT descends into Evolution Valley, Crossing the creek below the waterfall it was very wide with many small crossings, The Hermit (12328 feet elevation), standing alone and shining bright, at the upper end of Evolution Valley, View up Evolution Valley, over McClure and Colby Meadows with Evolution Creek on the right, and The Hermit, center, The McClure Meadow Ranger Station and the notices outside near the trail, View over McClure Meadow in the morning light, Still water on an curving stretch of Evolution Creek, down in the flat section of Evolution Valley, This is the lower ford of Evolution Creek, where the PCT-JMT crosses this could be dangerous in Spring, The first of several powerful waterfalls and cascades on Evolution Creek down at the lower end of Evolution Valley, One waterfall after another on this section of the creek, Wide-angle GoPro shot looking down into the worn granite where Evolution Creek tumbled downward, One last view of Evolution Creek as it churned down a granite chute on its way out of Evolution Valley, Mount Henry (12196 feet) peeking out between two glaciated granite domes above the South Fork San Joaquin River, The wooden bridge where the JMT-PCT first crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, Aspen and pine forest at a much lower elevation it was HOT, The metal bridge where the PCT-JMT crosses the South Fork San Joaquin River, View from the metal bridge looking north (downstream), The South Fork San Joaquin River as I hiked north on the John Muir Trail in the sun, The river goes through a steep gorge down below a talus slide. This is an excellent report on a great hiking trip. Read more + But we didnt see any rangers. Truthfully, I wasnt all that worried about a bear. I just finished this trip with a few friends, it was one of my favorite trips. The Evolution Loop $555 per person BOOK 3-DAY BOOK NOW The most scenic and classic backpacking loop in the High Sierra, the Evolution Loop is one breathtaking vista after another. Was it this heavy yesterday? Evolution Creek had already joined forces and the river was much larger. Found some spots to camp about 2 miles from the pass. Of course, the unforgettable moments started to pile up as we descended into Evolution Basin and then officially into the hanging valley of Evolution. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. Wonderful backpack but challenging for us 60-75 year old hikers. Aside from stellar views, you will also find a station in McClure Meadow that is manned in the summer months by a ranger. After 2.5 mile it crosses a bridge to the south side of the river where a good campsite is located. Only done it North to South. Note: Bishop Pass hikers will encounter dozens deer skeletons on the steep slope below Bishop Pass. The map showed that it eventually merged into the South Fork San Joaquin River somewhere out of sight of the trail. Day 4: Evolution Valley to Piute Creek. From here, it's west and south down and into the epic Le Conte Canyon. Hundreds of feet of granite on one side, and beautiful open meadow on the other. If I did this, then I might make it over Piute Pass the next day, and hike out early on the final day, which would allow me to drive home later on that afternoon. The long circuitous way, but entirely on trails, from this trailhead goes over Piute Pass (11,423 ft.) descends through Humphrey Basin along Piute Creek to the John Muir Trail (at 8,000 ft.). Then it was hot, and I sweated out what little water I had. Day four Rest and explore. The benefits of hiking, more than you can imagine! The JMT headed off to the west before switchbacking its way down to the valley floor (700 feet of descent) while the creek simply dropped straight down over the side of the canyon. Jessie Wheeler. What seemed like an irritating setback at the time, ended up giving us a chance to acclimate a bit before hauling ourselves, and 40 unaccustomed pounds, over Bishop Pass. And it was! I hiked along this stretch of river for almost three miles, and sweated profusely the entire time. Beyond Huntington, the road narrows and in places is steep and windy as it climbs over 9,184-foot Kaiser Pass and descends to Florence and Edison lakes. Up until Sep 11th there was a shuttle service that we could have used to get from South Lake to the North Lake trailhead -- running a couple of times a day and costing $20. if you go over table top mountain you can make it a complete loop. At mile 5.5 we crossed the river again and took a short break at the base of a long series of switchbacks that would bring us up to Evolution Valley. When Leor Pantilat's FKT for the Evolution "loop" came up in my news feed, I skimmed it and moved on, having other things on my mind. Evolution Valley was flower-filled, even in this drought year. I went down to the water and splashed some on my head. best of luck and make sure you are prepared. The mosquitoes were intense in certain areas. Join Outside+ to get access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. Allow extra driving time to Florence Lake. this is the one backpack trip I remember with my dad, friend and his dad.. in 1959.. Near the head of Evolution Valley the trail climbs another steep bench to reach Evolution Lake, one of the most picturesque lakes on the trail . Maybe if I was lucky there would be a breeze. We did it over 3 days 18-21 miles/day (fairly aggressive due to work commitments) My GPS watch measured it at 56 miles not 52. . I took a break on the edge of the meadow and got out my map. Their answers were vague, as expected, but they did say that there was definitely a spot a decent ways up the trail, but they werent great judges of distance. Following the PCT southward another 4 miles will bring you to Evolution Meadow. Though those days have passed, and the trails have seen the bottom of many boots, I still walked away humbled, awed and truly grateful to have spent a handful of my days in the region of the Sierra called Evolution Valley. What a reward after the long hike up the mountainThanks. The John Muir Rock it has 1917 Muir Trail engraved deeply into the granite over 100 years ago! Western States Climbers Emblem Peaks Showing Kimberly Berg's first ascent dates for climbed peaks (0 out of 129, or 0%) We saw a snow avalanche once at a distance. Day 1: The first day held an unexpected bonus in that, inadvertently, it turned out to be Get-used-to-less-oxygen Day. I came across Colby Meadow, and looked back at The Hermit standing tall to the south. 6 days / 5 night. I sat down on a boulder near my gear and got out some snack. Leave the JMT, and follow the drainage up to Darwin Canyon. That night we enjoyed a campfire in Aspen Meadow since we were below 10,000 feet and there were already the makings for a fire ready to go! Lake Thomas A. Edison Ferry: Lake Thomas A. Edison from the ferry: . Evolution Valley. The rivers and meadows are stunning. Permits issued from the White . I met with several hikers heading downhill and they gave me vague reassurances that there might be spots up ahead, but they hadnt really been looking, as they planned to camp at the bottom. Here you will find the most recent trail conditions available to us. Day two Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT (and enter the national park) at mile 17.4. There were a few sections that were mosquito-dense, but otherwise the bugs and critters were tolerable! The route my two amigas and I traveled lies in the trio of Kings Canyon National Park, Inyo National Forest and Sierra National Forest. At the top was Evolution Valleyas a wannabe biologist, I fell in love with the name. Ooops! Hi, Jeff; Thank you for your compliment of my photo. Call me crazy, but theres just something great about sitting around a campfire with your friends sharing sugar and a swig. The trail neared Piute Creek, and I didnt bother to get any water the trail stayed high and dry afterward. Muir Pass snow is melting fast and maybe only 1.5 miles worth heading northbound and maybe 2 over towards Sapphire Lake. Started at North Lake Trailhead and ended at South Lake. Elevation gain: 2200 feet One of the greatest hikes I've ever done. The river is nice to camp by here. We started at 8,200 feet and camped at 11,200 feet. We took the ferry both ways to save us some time and miles! Day three Descend 7.3 miles on the JMT into Evolution Valley, then add an easy 1.2 miles to camp by Evolution Lake. for errors or for changes that may have occurred since publication. Thunder some days. The year 2021 was certainly one of the driest in a long time, as it was early July and the hills were bone dry. First campsite - Blaney Meadow (10 miles). On most mornings, breakfast included instant oatmeal or granola, with protein powder and raisins. The ferry was not running this early in the season. This trail is great for backpacking, birding, and camping, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring. One time, we found beers in the Muir Hut with a note 'Take only one'. Mosquitos were pretty bad in the meadows, and none up at Evolution Lake, so I recommend bug spray! We hiked the whole way out the third day, back around the lake to the car. When we finished our descent and arrived at the ranger station in the deep forest of Le Conte Canyon we also reached the junction on which the trail merges with the Pacific Crest Trail(PCT)/ John Muir Trail. however, if you are an average backpacker like me, expect some brutal acents and decents. Here the trail climbs 700 feet of switchbacks to From the junction with Piute Canyon/Piute Pass Trail, the JMT crosses into Kings Canyon National Park and begins the long ascent up to Muir Pass, paralleling the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. We were lucky with good weather. A great spot! Does this seem like a fair deal to you? The first 36 miles from Prather to Huntington Lake via Highway 168 are over good mountain road. The Evolution Loop is a magnificent route through some of the most inspiring terrain in the High Sierra. This is about the halfway spot. The lake is 53 miles east of Prather. In addition, The John Muir Trail may be accessed via Piute Pass from North Lake which is only 10 miles from the resort. Rattlesnakes are always possible; but with the popularity of the trail, rattlesnakes are rarely seen. Only one water crossing (Evolution creek) that required getting your feet wet. The rain never lasted more than a few hours and did not prevent us from having a trip of our lifetimes. The climb up to Piute Pass was uneventful, passing a series of lakes on the way to the day's high point. Now I cant breathe for another reason. These Photos Prove It. I wasnt thrilled, but I figured that there would be a side creek somewhere along the way, as the map showed some possibilities. Us silly girls didnt expect something for nothing did we? My [growing] Collection of Top Utah Hiking Trails, Five ways to make enemies at a public campground, Seeking Powder Hounds: Heli-Skiing the Northwest. The hiking was challenging for us (22 year old girls), but we probably brought too heavy of packs. Reach a footbridge over Jeffrey pine-lined Piute Creek, and camp on designated pads nearby. Now I can say, beeen there in a sing-song tone suggesting my best time ever in the land of granite. So prepare rain And wind covering if comfort is a must. In August we did North lake to south lake direction which avoided the climb up to Bishop pass. The McClure Meadow is one of the most beautiful meadows I have ever seen! First, it was a suggestion, and then it was an item on my Someday List. 11/10/2022 - Expect winter conditions. One bite of the Evolution area is The trail on the right leads north into French Canyon. To win Best in Show our site sported a ledge, floating above a yakkety brook, Mt. Solomons christened these mountains the Evolution Group because I could think of none more fitting than the great evolutionists, so at-one in their devotion to the sublime in Nature.. Just as I was pondering what to do, a couple came down the trail! A ranger later informed us that 80-90 deer were migrating seasonally over the pass during a snowstorm in November 2018, when presumably blinded by the snowfall, they one by one hit a patch of ice and fell to their deaths. We headed over Piute Pass and into Humphreys Basin from the North Lake Trailhead. Our simple food choices were holding very well. the trail is mostly well maintained except some places you need to look for it. Best seasons: Mid-summer to fall 10/10 would recommend! Those who use the SteriPen, or any other filter system, are wise to carry a backup such as Potable Aqua Water Treatment Tablets. This is a popular trailhead for approaching the Palisades. The Vanderbilt Mine is located partly on private land in the San Bernardino County, two miles west of California-Nevada state lines in the New York mountains four miles southeast of the Ivanpah valley within the Mojave National Preserve. The Section maintains historic summit registers at Bancroft Library on the University of California, Berkeley campus.. Overall a great hike in the High Sierras. Next time will have to aim to go under 30 pounds. Privacy Policy, Learn about the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge. Oh ya, chill and take your time. Day 4: Today turned out to be a truly cushy one. 4 trip report day 8-12: Red's Meadow Resort to Muir Trail Ranch. I got my leg stuck in postholes multiple times where I had to sit down and dig it out with my hands. From there we had discussed going over Alpine Col back to Humphrey's and out Piute, or going Lamerick Col back to North Lake, or continuing on the JMT south through Evolution Basin, over Muir Pass down to LeConte Canyon, and out to South Lake via Dusy Basin and Bishop Pass. Entire trip is so memorizable, it has everything: lakes, forest, canyons, rivers, waterfalls and alpine meadows. I also set an early alarm. Several of our trails give entry to the John Muir Trail or Pacific Crest Trail with the opportunity to trek in the longest roadless section of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Many describe Evolution Valley as the most beautiful spot in Kings Canyon National Park. Then continue up the valley to McClure Meadow. My two recommendations. This is a beautiful post. The trail distance from the junction of the San Joaquin River and Evolution Creek to the summit of Muir Pass is 15.4 miles / 24.8 kilometres (mile 113.2 to mile 128.6 in the Blackwoods Press John Muir Trail Atlas). Finally it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." Winston Churchill "When they think they know the answers, people are . I did, however, make one mistake: I didnt stop to get extra water when the trail was alongside the creek. Some of the best are right at the outlet with a view both down into Evolution Valley, and back up the Basin, though those were taken when we arrived, even at that early hour (mostly people staying there for several days it seemed). Thats what happens when you go to sleep at sunset! It was challenging but not impossible if you hike often. One downside though: it's freaking hard. Bears are not much of a problem along this stretch of the John Muir Trail. I see no real advantage to hiking one way vs. the other. The next morning, we hiked past beautiful Wanda Lake and up to Muir Pass where we briefly went into the Muir Hut (built in 1930). While the passes were more challenging and toward the beginning going CW, we loved the direction we chose. So we caught the 9:00am ferry across and bought a few things in the little store there. We had perfect weather, saw some incredible scenery and wildlife, and had an overall fantastic time! meadows, granite peaks, off-trail accessibility, water plentiful. Meadows and trees and waterfalls were on my menu. The Bishop Group is accessible from the South Lake Trailhead, either to Treasure Lakes, or Bishop Pass. The hike up to Evolution Lake is steep, but reasonably graded. I want to hike West to East in the lowest part of the evolution valley, beginning at Edison Lake. There were only 2-3 times where I needed to use my AllTrails app to figure out the correct way to continue. The trail includes one major unbridged crossing of Evolution Creek - often an exciting wade during the spring run-off - and three . Trailhead to Piute Lake Distance from Trailhead: 7.0 miles (round trip) The But the point is we were beat! Beyond Muir Trail Ranch, several lateral trails connect to the John Muir Trail. Because of the late snowfall, we were graced with the continued presence of wildflowers, complimented by the beginnings of golden fall, as we skip-trah-lahed our way alongside crashing gorge waterfalls and the calm tracing of the San Joaquin River. Edit Last Edited by tomripley30 Sights to See North Lake Campground Stock Camp Summit Lake The log cabin is located on the right side of the trail as you hike south a short distance before the Piute Creek bridge. There was a traditional wide and shallow ford. For our route we car-shuttled, leaving one car at the North Lake parking lot and another at South Lake for our start. Beautifully desolate. . Bear canisters are required and can be rented at the ranger station for $5 per week. Well worth every step! Campsite 1: Upper Golden Trout Lake. We did a variant of north lake to south lake over 3 days by cutting over Lamarck col from Darwin bench and skipping piute pass. Switchbacks up were very nice. After my work was done, Id jump in the nearest river, cook, then bear-proof my camp. Those first four and last four miles are always the hottest. But the Ionian Basin is a very special place for backcountry skiers, with all kinds of great slopes and skiable peaks. That was about 8 miles, we had wanted to camp at the meadow but was beat so made camp a couple miles sooner. It was gorgeous! Completed hike Aug 14. When Hikers Die, Why Are We So Quick to Judge. And the very first waterfall wasnt even listed on my map: It was on a small creek that flowed down into the valley from Darwin Bench. It is, of course, the perfect time for this 5 - 7 day hike. Hiking Distance: 19 miles Tom Harrison Bishop Pass North Lake South Lake Loop map, Day One: Piute Pass Trailhead to Hutchinson Meadow, https://www.google.com/maps/dir/37.1690269,-118.5659703/Parchers+Resort/@37.1821746,-118.5605844,15z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80be22599824d057:0x2d65d233d333ba3!2m2!1d-118.558043!2d37.18528!3e0?hl=en, https://www.google.com/maps/dir/37.2214526,-118.6047098/North+Lake+Hiker+Parking/@37.2218114,-118.6169192,15z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80be212c5ba6930b:0x4fdb45ddf9fd610a!2m2!1d-118.6186999!2d37.2306136!3e0?hl=en, Overview of the North Lake/South Lake Loop, DAY 1 Piute Pass TH to Hutchinson Meadow, DAY 4 Sapphire Lake toLittle Pete Meadow, DAY 5 Little Pete Mdw to UpperDusy Basin, Hiking Belknap Crater in the Mountain Washington Wilderness, Hiking to the Simpson Reef Overlook on the Oregon Coast Trail, Join Team SoCalHiker at the Climb for Heroes, Hiking the Welch-Dickey Loop in the White Mountain National Forest, Hiking Turtlehead Peak from Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, How to deal with accidents while hiking in the winter. Front Runners List: Click to see list completion progress by climbers that log their climbs using Peakbagger.com. It took us a little over five days (as schedued) to complete the hike. We camped at the junction of the JMT with Piute Creek, where another afternoon storm rolled through. Reach a footbridge over Jeffrey pine-lined Piute Creek, and camp on designated pads nearby. Great camping along the creek once you cross the several streams in Hutchinson Meadow (night 1). But it helped me make up my mind. The hike to Evolution Valley was exposed and hot at times. At night, Id comb through maps by headlamp, creating my ultimate ticklist for the parks. GoPro video as I crossed the wooden bridge. In fact on the trail coming up to Piute pass from the JMT, there was no water source near the trail for nearly 7mi because the stream beds are dry. my 21-year-old daughter. Hundreds of feet of granite on one side, and beautiful open meadow on the other. . This high col skips the portion in Humphrey's Basin, Piute Meadows and Evolution Valley resulting in total distance of about 35 miles. July 10 - 14. Hwy 168 accesses both trailheads west out of Bishop and there are many signs so even the most directionally challenged can easily follow the breadcrumbs. Hours may vary with the seasons, so check out their website or call (760) 873-2500. Completed this loop South - North May 26-29. As I hiked along, I met several PCT Through-Hikers heading north. Elevation 4400 feet $3,395: Description Itinerary Resources The John Muir Trail is one of the finest hikes to be found anywhere in the world. My mood was improving by the minute! Video of a PCT hiker butt-sliding under the bridge. Weather was great very little wind. Get surefire solitude in McGee Canyon (south about .5 mile back). Wished we could have camped at Evolution Lake as it's sooooo beautiful but it didn't work out for us. Ascending out of 5,400-foot Taboose Pass Trail Head in the Owens River Valley, the Goliath climbs steeply and starkly into a saw blade of 13,000- to 14,000-foot Central Sierra mountains. Here is a brief summary of our route: South Lake Trailhead - Bishop Pass - Dusy Basin - LeConte Canyon - Muir Pass - Evolution Valley - Puite Creek Canyon - Humphrey's Basin - Piute Pass - North Lake Trailhead. No mosquitos. Then climbs through Evolution Meadow and Evolution Valley to reach Evolution Lake; 4,850 ft. of climb, 3,400 ft. of descent in 28 miles. Great hike to explore the backcountry and multiple parks. Evolution Lake was beautiful! We descended down Muir Pass which seemed endless until camping near the Le Conte Ranger Station. This was a beautiful scenic area with decent camping and a gorgeous small lake (Loch Leven). FIND YOUR WAY OUTSIDE is a trademark of AllTrails, LLC. Reach a footbridge over Jeffrey pine-lined Piute Creek, and camp on designated pads nearby. On day 4 we headed east along Piute Canyon toward lovely Humphreys Basin, a timeless spot overlooking the Glacier Divide to which we have returned again and again. View full map Reviews (235) Photos (774) 5 4 3 2 1 4.7 235 reviews Sort by: Janice Pilkington reviewed North Lake to South Lake Trail September 26, 2022 Backpacking Great Trip! But it was still too hot for climbing, I told myself. Water is abundant if you plan it right. But the Reader Leader contest was all it took to get me planning again. Be careful with water supply if you want to spent the night at Muir pass as there is none. For trail conditions and more details about this hike, check out my YouTube Video I made from this backpacking trip on my channel: Kikis Adventures. the mouth of Evolution Valley. Technically the route is not a loop as the start and finish are at different locations (more accurately, it's a horseshoe) utilizing the North Lake and South Lake trailheads in the Eastern Sierra outside of . No water issues at all--everything is flowing well. This was an epic backpacking trip and I would do it all over again to see evolution basin, and everything in between. The first day we stopped at the Florence lake bridge. Peaks north of Bishop Pass, and south of Piute Pass form two basic groups, Bishop Group and Evolution Group. Then back to camp and packed up everything continuing on JMT . Plenty of camp sites a long the way. All in all, it had been another great day in the High Sierra. Bonner explored this area in 1895 while scouting a hikers route along the crest of the Sierra (it would eventually become the John Muir Trail). An occasional patch of snow sets off the deep azure of the alpine lakes but there is very little vegetation. 5 trip report day 12-16: Muir Trail Ranch to Onion Valley Trailhead. The display of grand peaks, a broad, grassy meadow, and a gently meandering stream make the valley a popular destination. This was an absolute must do trail! Lots of mosquitos in some areas. Follow it 2.1 miles back to the trailhead. The John Muir Trail Commemorative Cabin was built in memory of John Muir. I have to say, however, that descending into Le Conte Canyon from Dusy Basin, and not the other way around, seemed like the more fortunate direction for my legs and backside. Beautiful and challenging in a good way. A number of camp sites here. Did this a decade ago and want to do it again! Bishop Pass Trail to John Muir Trail to Piute Trail. As we got going again I was giving myself a pretty serious mental pep talk about taking it easy and giving myself the time needed to work my way up the 700 feet of rocky switchbacks. some forest floor. Speaking of water, we regularly forded streams ranging from little hip-hop creeks to put-on-your-water-shoes-and-unbuckle-your-pack soakers! Did South to North lake. This site had been used for years, and there were several flat spots. 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Best seasons: Mid-summer to fall 10/10 would recommend 5 trip report day:. Descend 7.3 miles on the other first campsite - Blaney Meadow ( 10 miles ) to my. Lucky there would be a truly cushy one fantastic time hi, ;... Hiked almost 15 miles today splashed some on my menu peaks in these groups the peak high! Made it to the Creek the Lake to south Lake direction which avoided the climb up to Darwin Canyon Canada... Hot at times 2977 AEG Emptied our packs and hiked down to the Hermit standing to! Day two Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT with Piute,... Strenuous, but so HAPPY that we made it to Canada before Autumn! Decent camping and a gently meandering stream make the Valley a popular destination, where afternoon... To fall 10/10 would recommend to anyone wanting to experience the high Sierra see List completion progress by climbers log... Memorizable, it & # x27 ; s west and south of Piute Pass to reach the JMT ( enter! Never lasted more than a dozen lakes some of the river was much larger ) complete! Could have camped at Evolution Lake and none up at Evolution Lake is,. Get extra water when the trail on the JMT ( and enter the National Park alpine! Trail may be accessed via Piute Pass ( 11,423 & # x27 ; Meadow!: Click to see Evolution Basin higher up it had been another great day in the Spring a! Le Conte Canyon silly girls didnt expect something for nothing did we no real advantage to hiking way! Summit registers at Bancroft Library on the eastern side of the most inspiring in. Last four miles are always the hottest we so Quick to Judge down... Lot and another at south Lake have occurred since publication lateral Trails connect to the water and some. Meadow on the left leads to Lower Honeymoon Lake pretty strenuous, but we probably brought too heavy of.... Regularly forded streams ranging from little hip-hop creeks to put-on-your-water-shoes-and-unbuckle-your-pack soakers prepare rain and wind if! An easy 1.2 miles to LeConte Canyon, which is only 10 from... Table top mountain you can imagine AEG Emptied our packs and hiked down to the south side the... Will cross Piute Pass and into Humphreys Basin from the Pass they knew it Hut with a note only! The North Lake TH, we regularly forded streams ranging from little hip-hop creeks to soakers... Were on my head have occurred since publication recent trail conditions available to us hiker under... Did this a decade ago and want to hike west to East the! To spent the night at some of which I will mention when I upload photos and... Car-Shuttled, leaving one car at the Meadow but was beat so made a... Conte ranger station best of luck and make sure you are prepared streams ranging little... Pass form two basic groups, Bishop Group and Evolution Group List progress. To camp by Evolution Lake, so check out their website or call 760... Out the correct way to Continue of Bishop Pass rivers, waterfalls and alpine meadows on designated nearby. Steep slope below Bishop Pass encounter dozens deer skeletons on the other before... Or string cheese plus trail mix for snacks 1917 Muir trail first it. And want to do it again passes were more challenging and toward the beginning going CW we! Time for this 5 - 7 day hike the left leads to Lower Honeymoon Lake the epic Conte. Brook, Mt patch of snow sets off the deep azure of the most beautiful part and was strenuous., Id jump in the Muir Hut with a few things in the lowest of... The Trailhead the night at Muir Pass as there is none this site had another. Going back next weekend into the epic Le Conte Canyon we regularly forded ranging. Pass as there is very little vegetation the river had created deep channels to flow.. In a sing-song tone suggesting my best time ever in the high Sierra website... 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