Compared to non-Shmita years, that is significantly different (p < 0.05) than the 24% probability of negative years for the years leading up to the sabbatical year. The seventh year is meant to be a reset, a return to the real values that underpin our increasingly frantic efforts. Table 2. As Israel implodes, does nobody in Netanyahus Likud have the guts to defy him? modern history. Wheat that grew on its own would be free for all to eat. Will God show us his mercy or his wrath for being an anti God nation. For instance, there were significant declines in 2003 and 2011 that were both in the middle of the subsequent Shemitah cycles and did not correspond to the Shemitah years or their wakes. Here are examples of stock market crashes that occurred during Shemitah years, 1901-1902 Year of Shemitah - Stock market drops almost 50%. In January we put it bluntly: Longer-term time cycles dont line up for a prosperous 2022. Not only is it a mid-term election year, but also a Shmita Year. These downturns are likely due to the fact that the worlds economies are not run according to the way God intended them to be run, and therefore over time they become increasingly chaotic and unpredictable. On April 30, 1789 George Washington prophetically This was before the war in Ukraine and the exponential price growth of several crucial commodities, which are all said to be consequences of the war. It is a Shabbat of years instead of a Shabbat of days. If we have a look at the stock market in that year, we cant see any crash like we have seen in past Shemitah years, but we are seeing something interesting. 1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. According to research funded by the best trading app around - it saw stock markets around the world collapse, wiping out trillions of dollars from Wall Street to Shanghai. kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). People are in the middle of a great crisis that continues to increase, but theyre still fat and happy. Reppond Investments, Inc. reserves the right to trade different ETFs or mutual funds within a strategy than those reflected in the graphic shown. Your email address will not be published. 1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. In addition, Zenz also considered a more restricted analysis by using only the 2-month Elul-Tishri Shemitah ending months and the Shemitah wake period in his calculations, just like Cahn focused on in his book. The story behind the Shemitah is that the 7th year is the year of resting and releasing. The prideful building of the Tower of Babel brought judgment. Depending on the trend in the stock market I do think this year could be a remarkable year in the history of our economy. We are in a high-inflationary environment and a dysfunctional legislative branch. Markets therefore adjust swiftly and efficiently, remarkable renaissance of thinking and doing, Israel Unfiltered: The future of meeting up in person, The Next Web, ChatGPT, and The Creator Economy, Netanyahu to make statement to nation as bipartisan MKs call for judicial compromise, As protests sweep nation, police use aggressive means to clear Tel Aviv rally, Gantz to PM: Talk now before we face civil war; Herzog: Country could fall to abyss, Israel should wipe out Palestinian town of Huwara, says senior minister Smotrich. As business picks up, people invest, share prices rise, people get excited and invest more, still more investors pile into the market, as everyone seems to me making loads of money so effortlessly; theres exhuberance and euphoria until a few smart alicks figure that assets are inflated way beyond their real values; euphoria gives way to doubt to anxiety to full blown panic; people runs for the hills, the cycle screeches into reverse, fortunes are lost and the whole thing starts all over again. The war is far away, money isnt a big problem for us living in the wealthiest countries at least not yet. but during the seventh year the land shall have a sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord; you shall not sow your field nor prune your vineyard. In the following table, the 20 largest negative percent changes are shown for the Dow Jones Average since the beginning of the last century, and they are either positively or negatively correlated to a Shemitah event. Filed Under: Extra, time-cycles Tagged With: 7 year cycle, collapse, crash, recession, shemitah, shmitah, stock market, time cycle, w d gann, VERY INTERESTING HAVE YOU DONE AN ANALYSIS HOW BITCOIN REACTED AT THESE TIMES Bro as btc looks like it has turned the corner now moving from BULL TO BEAR which would increase the stocks just in time for THE SHEMITAH Blessings Mike. He described within it, as part of a series of harbingers to judgment affecting the United States and the world, a concept related to an old Jewish law often called the Shemitah (The Harbinger, p. 153). The price increase is higher than the salary increase, but we can always go to strike and demand a raise. In Leviticus we are given more information about this principle: The Lord then spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai, saying. OK, the electricity bill is a pain in the ass, so a few posts on social media about that, many join a Facebook-group demanding a maximum price for petrol or some other commodity. Founder slams mozilla foundation cryptocurrency. Were now less than a month away from the end of the current shemita as well as the current yubilee-year. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain.This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts.Please take this information and do your own research: bitcoin, cryptocurrency, crypto, altcoin, altcoin daily, blockchain, news, best investment, top altcoins, ethereum, best altcoin buys, 2021, top altcoins 2021, bitcoin crash, xrp, cardano, chainlink, ripple, buy bitcoin, yearn finance, bitcoin price prediction, Cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency news, cryptocurrency news media, cryptocurrency investing, bitcoin news, Is now a good time to buy bitcoin, January 2022, defi, bitmex, cftc, arthur hayes, derivatives, binance, us crypto regulation, #bitcoin #cryptonews #altcoins When ancient Israel uttered these prideful words God brought judgment upon the Thus, the 12 tribes of Israel and the families owning property within their territorial regions would never completely lose their land to another family or tribe. 1944-1945 Shmita Year - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. He argues that shmita is the key to understanding the mysterious geo-political, economic and financial gyrations of our time. These data appear to indicate that a Shemitah Effect may indeed be real and affecting the worlds economy even when the Mosaic Law originally only applied to Israel. Major important crashes in the stock market are correlated with the Shemitah years. The easiest thing is to follow the crowd or ask a financial advisor. 1979-1980 Shmita Year - U.S. and global recession. In addition, all of Israel would have built-in rest periods designed into their economic system consisting of days and years, which would greatly reduce the stress of life. After all, its just a day like any other day. In 2012, the Christian Rabbi Jonathan Cahn published a book entitled The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of Americas Future (Frontline Pub Inc). Exodus 23:11. Where the stock market was experiencing a major crash. An investor should not assume that any strategy used by Reppond Investments, Inc. will directly correspond to any such comparative index.Different types of investments and/or investment strategies involve varying levels of risk. declared that should America turn away from God, His blessings will be removed. Perhaps 2022, the next Shmita year, will have some upheavals. then I will so order My blessing for you in the sixth year that it will bring forth the crop for three years. STOCK MARKET COLLAPSE END OF 2022!? 1901-1902 Year of Shemitah - Stock market drops almost 50%. The Shemitah, however, would help smooth out economic ups and downs so that they would simply never occur catastrophically. A loss for the world: Israeli-American Elan Ganeles, killed by terrorists, buried. OK, we get poorer, but we dont really notice. It is worth noting that we are in the middle of a pandemic, and somehow the markets have ignored that. Please use the following structure:, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. How come his sensationalist shmita screed up there on the best-seller shelves and not my scrupulously researched (yet eminently readable) effort? (Id much rather a divinity who manifests through, for example, a sunset, the theory of relativity or a childs smile.) Lets look at this effect in more detail by considering more extensive data sets. The current global economic system seeks to have continual growth with no room for Sabbath rests or Shemitahs. Occasionally, a person might be sold into indentured service, because he was poor or owed a debt he could not repay. , where I wrote about a financial crisis, much worse than the one in 2008. Of course, the attack by Babylon upon Israel and the Jews captivity occurred for many more reasons than just breaking the Shemitah, including completely turning away from God into the darkest of evil and sin. The enormity of the preceding mania and its vicious unwind have us believing the current bear could unfold over a much lengthier time than is typical. Therefore, working backward from the Shemitah of 2014-2015, the following years can be calculated to be Shemitahs simply subtracting 7 from each year. During that time we are apt to get energized, excited and sometimes completely carried away by the whole business. Economic theory and policy struggle to understand and effectively address the business cycle. Please invest accordingly. In the same chapter of Leviticus where the Shemitah laws were revealed, Moses went on to describe the laws related to the year of Jubilee: You are also to count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. God commands rest on the seventh day - Sabbath. It was easier for Israel to simply overlook this law rather than to risk not having enough food for over a year at a time or risk losing money by having to forgive debt or give back land. land and that which was built up was wiped away. the nation that turns its back on God the Shmita comes in the sign of judgment. The complete set of laws Moses wrote down were quite extensive and extended far beyond the Ten Commandments, which immediately comes to mind when we consider the Old Testament laws. No worries, just going about their lives as before. How about a rest that lasts 12 months? Is there a principle that has been functioning for decades and perhaps even for centuries, which affects the global political and economic systems and causes periodic recessions or depressions? THIS IS JUST ENTERTAINMENT!This information is what was found publicly on the internet. In this way, all property bought and sold between Hebrews was really only rented for a time and not permanently transferred or lost. This is like concluding that everyone who breaths, dies; thus, breathing is the cause of death. What if this expectation could allow decision makers to gently let the air out of the bubble before it pops? Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.- Greed and the desire for money caused many in Israel to ignore the Shemitah and the Jubilee. Elul 29 could be interesting. (You can check the numbers and dates here, here and here.) and lie still. If every Shemitah year resulted in an economic downturn and other years within the 7-year cycle did not, then it would be easy to predict future crashes and avoid them. One of the main purposes of the Sabbaths and Shemitahs was to put a damper on the lust for more money and material things, and through this process help return the hearts of the people back to a reliance on God, who is after all the only true source of everything that we have in life. Table 1. For instance, someone who publishes a new insight related to the Bible or a new way of interpreting prophecy related to the End Times often generates a lot of excitement and attention, and they may even sell millions of books; however, attention and book sales dont necessarily mean that the conclusions are accurate. The Lord prevents such precise predictions (and guaranteed monetary gains) by making the Shemitah Effect more of a probability and less of a certainty. But since then, the popular index is down a little . But in practice, most of us, including eminent economists, forget. The Jewish civil calendar year begins on the first day of Tishri, which occurs in the fall, and that year then ends on Elul 29. So what makes this Shemitah cycle so interesting? When the United States is consumed by greed and ignores these biblical values, then God will wreak vengeance on America, through 9/11, stock market crashes, ISIS and other terrors. This was a 1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. 1916-1917 Year of Shemitah - Stock market drops 40%. The year of Keep up the good work! For the author, the United States of America is Gods true chosen nation with which God made a new covenant. With the most speculative year in U.S. stock market history drawing to a close, we could probably all use a rest. BGC Partners, Inc. (Nasdaq: BGCP) ("BGC"), a leading global brokerage and financial technology company, today reported its financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2022. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its going to be a very bumpy year until Sept 24-27 already look at the signs very volitale market, supply chain on last thread, oil prices through the roof ( US cannot sustained price of oil over $100 ) they are predicting $150-175 barell, famine in Africa, major drought in 3/4 of US . is like a two edged sword. Buy the Roomer Sell the news !Why stocks will crash 50% Here is why: watch the video! us on TikTok, IG or Twitter for daily content!TikTok My Personal Instagram Here: For Weekly Market Updates! 1-ranked portfolio strategist on Wall Street last year.As many analysts remained bullish on the market exiting 2021, Wilson . Decisions are often based on knowledge, so increasing your knowledge is a great thing. The year 2022 on the Jewish calendar is a Shmita yearhistorically considered to be a year of rest, or sabbatical, following six years of work. The year following the series of seven Shemitahs, or the 50th year, was designated the Year of Jubilee (called Yovel in Hebrew). For proof of this fact, Moses said that Israel would only have to remember the Exodus years in the wilderness of Sinai in which God miraculously supplied Manna to eat for 6 days out of every 7 for a total of 40 years. Stock market indices are unmanaged, broadly based indices, which differ in numerous respects from the specific portfolio composition. ". The Sabbath year or Shemitah was not only to include a cessation of agricultural activity, but also an elimination of debt within the economy. In reality, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is highly variable and typically will have many increases and decreases over such a long period of time. The Shmita is based on the civil calendar which always begins on the Feast of Trumpets (September/October). I DO NOT GUARANTEE A PARTICULAR OUTCOME I HAVE NO INSIDE KNOWLEDGE! The Shmita Welcome to our community. Been looking for this thread. On this year of jubilee each of you shall return to his own property. understanding about current and future events. Perhaps it was followed early in Israels history, during the time of the Judges and maybe during King Davids reign, but as Israel fell away from God with successive kings, the Shemitah was one of the first rules that fell away and was not fulfilled. According to the statutes of this law, the 50th year would include another year like the Shemitah year of not planting or harvesting of crops; therefore the seventh Shemitah year of rest for the land was followed by another Jubilee year of rest, making two consecutive years of no planting and no harvesting every 49 years. We thought the MTIwith over 125 inputswas pretty exhaustive. This one-year extended rest would also help the soil recover from constant farming of the same crops, which can take important nutrients out of the earth. Whether you believe that the war is the source of all current problems or not, have a look at the table below. 1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history. Shmita, Cahan writes is, about taking a break from the madcap pursuit of wealth and acknowledging that its all from God. Another important release that would take place at the end of every Shemitah year was described by the prophet Jeremiah. Ive created an indicator that can help traders and investors analyze the Shemitah year on various charts in Trading View. All performance results have been compiled solely by Reppond Investments, Inc. and are from sources we believe to be reliable. As of Nov. 29, the S&P 500 is down a more modest 16.75%, but still. Rigel senior . It seems very difficult though. Again, the Shemitah Effect appears to be real, but it cannot be used as an absolute predictor of future unemployment levels. You shall not do any work; it is a sabbath to the Lord in all your dwellings.. Despite these promised benefits that the Shemitah and Jubilee observances would bring to Israel, it was unfortunately rarely if ever followed during the years of the First Kingdom and the First Temple period. I dont know. We are in the middle of an economic crisis, but things dont actually look to bad on the surface. Mike Maloney is a smart guy, but hes just a man with a view just take a look on his favourite crypto, Hedera Hashgraph (episode 8). 1993-1994 Shmita Year - Bond market crash. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. In case of abuse, In this Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 photo, Gilad Fine, a religious Jewish farmer from Bnei Netzarim, stands inside his greenhouse, between the southern tip of the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian border. The seventh year in the cycle is known as the sabbatical year, or "Shmita." Some of the biggest stock market pullbacks sync up with these sabbatical years. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. Another important aspect of the Shemitah actually added to the effect of an agriculture-related downturn. Thx OP. In Leviticus, Moses said that the Year of Jubilee should be observed after every seven sets of seven-year Shemitah cycles. This law ensured that Hebrew slaves would not be held as slaves forever, regardless of the debt they owed or the situation they found themselves in. This happened to be as well a Shemitah year. Here is the crazy thing, the actual returns are different for the Shmita years. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost . As we have seen, there are many economic recessions and depressions, and some of them do indeed correlate to a Shemitah period. Poor people are often disregarded and thus remain poor, while the wealthy continually try to get more wealth and power while ignoring the aftereffects. You are to do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.. If you just look at the stock prices, things dont look bad stocks continue to rise. Because it aligns as well with the fact that September is known to be the worst month for stocks. Note: The people of Israel actually follow two yearly calendars. If the Shemitah Effect not only affects Israel because of the Law of Moses, but also affects the United States and the rest of the world, then we might be able to see its effects throughout the financial realm as it repeats every seven years. The year 2022 on the Jewish calendar is a Shmita yearhistorically considered to be a year of rest, or sabbatical, following six years of work. Economies are periodic they go through upswings of growth, investment and expansion, followed by episodes of contraction and depression. If the animal spirits are dimmed and the spontaneous optimism faltersenterprise will fade and diethe thought of ultimate loss is put aside as a healthy man puts aside the experience of death. William Delbert Gann was a trader and analyst famous for making use of time cycles into his analysis. America as the world's super power. God commands rest for both the farmer and the land"But the seventh year thou shall let it rest As the Lord promised in Leviticus 25:20-22 (quoted previously), the sixth year before a Jubilee would provide enough food to supply the people for a full 3 years; therefore God anticipated the need for an increased food supply during the longer Shemitah/Jubilee cycle. The next year of the Shemitah starts on September 7th, 2021, and ends on September 25, 2022. Shemitah, the last year of a seven-year cycle in the Jewish calendar, has several times in the past brought immense financial hardships to the world. More importantly, its a midterm election year, traditionally the weakest of the four-year cycle. If you make a sale, moreover, to your friend or buy from your friends hand, you shall not wrong one another. So what are we to conclude? Establishment of For every seventh cycle of shemita, it tells of a yubilee-year; a kind of a restart where, among other things, debts are to be erased. "But the seventh year thou shall let it rest It can be a fearful thing to turn away from self-reliance in getting what you need and become completely reliant on God, especially if you have no faith. Not knowing what it was, I asked her. The observance of the Shemitah was meant to be good for Israel and for the Jewish people, because it was another time of rest built into their lives by the Lord. This served to reinforce their reliance on God and decrease their reliance on their own initiative, which is exactly what the Lord wanted to happen. A Shmita reminds a nation that it's Please try again or choose an option below. This year Sukkot has an added dimension, as it falls during the seventh year of our agricultural cycle, Shmita. His Hidden Secrets of Money is a great input to your own thought process. Add to the fact that this pandemic is not going out quietly, we will eventually find out that stock markets do not like uncertainty. However, there is also a second calendar year, the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar, which begins on the first day of Nisan (originally called Aviv), which occurs in the spring, and then ends on Adar 29. 1916 1917: Stock market drop 40% and many European countries are suffering an economic collapse. On January 6th, I published my Predictions for 2022, where I wrote about a financial crisis, much worse than the one in 2008. This time, everyone says, it will different. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments. Year of the Shmita September 24th 2022! Thus, although the economic busts that he relates to Shemitahs really did occur, the book leaves us with an incomplete picture of the actual statistical significance of the phenomenon. This effect was felt early in the Shemitah year and continued until the first planting season of the next seven-year cycle. All or some of these data points would be expected to correlate to the Shemitah years and show up as downturns, if there is really an effect that God designed into the economic systems of the world. And the Torahs idea of shmita can teach us plenty about financial bubbles and economic cycles, whatever you think of Cahans take on the freaky coincidences. The Shmita year starts every 7th year on Elul 29 on the Biblical Calendar on the Feast of Trumpets. With the most speculative year in U.S. stock market history drawing to a close, we could probably all use a rest. Therefore, Moses told the nation of Israel that six days out of every week they should labor and work, but on the seventh day they should rest from all their labors and do no work: For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation. One sharp observer who realized that this was not how things worked in the real world was the British economist John Maynard Keynes. Also, on the seventh year, all debts were to be forgiven (Deuteronomy 15:1-11). This important Jewish holiday occurs in the fall, usually in Late September or early October (it occurred on Sept. 23 in 2015), and it serves to usher in the start of the New Year of Jubilee. This is the manner of remission: every creditor shall release what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because the Lords remission has been proclaimed.. The length of these cycles is reliably between six and nine years. Masterclass Teach The Art Of Magic Penn e Teller. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The year 2022 on the Jewish calendar is a Shmita yearhistorically considered to be a year of rest, or sabbatical, following six years of work. People are blessed with perfect economic information and make their decisions accordingly. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. There's been a major financial disruption in seven of the eight Shmita years dating back to 1966: Read more Is the Shemitah Effect real or is it imagined? Many economists and others who study the global financial systems have wondered why major downturns in the economy seem to happen in early fall, especially in the months of September and October. In fact, since 1950, the. The beginning of American to rise to world power. This exact correlation is very interesting and I do see reasons to believe that this 7-year cycle has impact on mass human behavior which is influencing the financial markets. Think about this. Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Great Britain suffer . The greater the number of years left before the next Jubilee, the greater would be the value of the land and therefore the price. The impact of the The conference call can be accessed live over the phone by dialing (412) 317-6346 or (844) 204-8586 from the U.S. Callers from Brazil can dial +55 11 3181-8565. We are about to experience two events described in the Bible, called the end of the sabbath year and the yubilee year. They are intended to provide general comparative information to help an individual client or prospective client in deciding whether the performance of Reppond Investments, Inc.s strategies meet, or continue to meet, his/her investment objective(s). This represents a 70% correlation of the Shemitah Effect to the most significant point drops in stock market history. Thus, according to the Law of Moses, there was a Sabbath every seven days for man to rest and a Sabbath every seven years (Shemitah) for the land to rest. Super Shemitah/Shmita Year - September 2021 to 2022, Global Debt Crisis, Currency Collapse, Year of the Great Reset. In addition, if there happens to occur a super-Shemitah with a Jubilee year following the Shemitah year, then the economic effects would continue for at least 2 years with again some effects lingering afterward. Another way of analyzing the Shemitah Effect on the Dow Jones Average is to look at the 20 largest point drops in the stock market during single day crashes. Ask a financial advisor asked her and some of them do indeed correlate to close. Knowledge is a great input to your friend or buy from your friends hand, you return. Reflected in the sign of judgment I asked her the guts to him! 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