This video is about the third wave experiment. He could do something. I glanced over my shoulder. (From around 2010) I worried for students doing things they would regret. During the days of the experiment I was curious how they would respond to the equalitarian and physical reshaping of the class. A new purpose. Do you remember the question? Their teacher called for silence and turned the TV set onan image of Adolf Hitler appeared on the screen. Adolf Eichmann, however, was no ordinary man. The wave has good effects on the students. Moving toward the door and the world outside. I was now acting instinctively as a dictator. Well at last it can be talked about. Students slowly rose from their Chairs and without words filed into the outdoor light. I explained why I acted and then assigned four guards to escort the women to the library and to restrain them from entering the class an Friday. Good story as it goes, but could really have benefited from some analysis of the school as an ideological context in which this kind of behaviour is particularly prone to manifest, what with public education already being a system that favours obedience, conformity, and subservience. The authority of Ron Jones acted as a force, a power, similar to that of Eichmann, the difference being that Jones was not motivated by evil, rather the opposite. I'm very upset over Robert! I saluted back. It's a bit of both isn't it? To accepting the Third Wave as a way of life. If Ron Jones was in fact terminated from the school, it is clearly because humanity is afraid to let go and see what is possible. Composite by Coffee or Die . I couldn't let the Roberts lose again. In 3 days the movement had grown to 200 students. It's now just a dream, something to remember, no it's something we tried to forget. He added "Strength Through Community" to the chalk board, and named his "movement" "the Third Wave". You would be walking down the hall when all of a sudden three classmates would turn your way each flashing a quick salute. I found him that morning propped up against the classroom door. Discipline. I took the film from the three cameras in the room and pulled the celluloid into the exposing light. Was all my belief in Carl Rogers to shrivel and die? Simultaneous to this announcement over 1000 youth groups from every part of the country would stand up and display their support for such a movement. I was following the group dictate as much as I was directing it. This also featured interviews with Jones and former students. I decided to push the tolerance of the class for regimented action. How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers, doctors, claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and human carnage. Within one week, 30 students grew to 200 as the Third Wave took on a life of its own . This activity we have been doing has been practice for the real thing. The tension and anticipation was beyond belief. It's strange, you most a past student In these chance ways, You catch a few moments of your life. Following the analyses of Israeli-German historian, Yaacov Lozowick, two British professors, Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher, have studied the experiments of Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo. How could this be? And I daily argued to myself on the benefits of the learning experience. The Third Wave had become the center of their existence. 6. Upon receiving this card the new member had to demonstrate knowledge of our rules and pledge obedience to them. "Mr. Jones do you remember the Third Wave?" Outright organised fascism is capitalism gone over the top, but manipulation of group dynamics happens all over the place - particularly in schools - and is the means used to get people to behave in required ways, absurd ways often but sometimes ways that are practically credible on the surface. I talked about pride. The balance between role playing and directed behavior became indistinguishable. One of the central points of this movement was that democracy's main weakness is that it favors the individual over the whole community. Strength through understanding I found myself sliding into the role even when it wasn't necessary. It was too late to step back. A strange calm is in effect when a room full of people sit in quite observation and anticipation. By Thursday the class had swollen in size to over eighty students. Jones named the movement "The Third Wave" as a symbol of strength, referring to the mythical belief that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. The high school was well known for its progressive philosophy, but the parents and some of Joness colleagues were angry with the experiment because the students were young and impressionable. Oh, you make promises to call each other but It won't happen. Anticipation turned to anxiety and then to frustration. Don't talk to anyone about this. Prompted by the trial of high-ranking Nazi and Holocaust-coordinator Adolf Eichmann, Milgram wished to assess whether . They began to panic. In A Nutshell. Milgrams experiment did not, in fact, demonstrate an inherent evil in the ordinary person, blindly and unthinkingly adhering to the demands of a higher authority. Robert was big for his age and displayed very few academic skills. Can I do it Kr. I don't know maybe he just imbelished a little or something. Then say goodbye. or say then with various degrees of loudness. We did this again, and again. Afraid that if I stopped someone would laugh or ask a question and the grand scheme would dissolve in chaos. No one moved. In the confusion of the moment I moved slowly toward the television. Instead of allowing them to call him Ron as usual, he insisted that they started to refer to him either as Mr Jones or as Sir. it was a good question. This change in the actual formulation of the concept has, in turn, changed the common misconceptions of the conclusions of experimentations such as those of Jones, Zimbardo and Milgram. It helped me approach them in a deliberate way. You're walking down the street, eating at a secluded restaurant, or buying some underwear when all of a sudden an ex-student pops up to say hello. The experiment continued. I am having a hard time believing this. It was easy. Must be a former student. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group. I can tell you and anyone else about the Third Wave. Embellished or not, this information is in-valuable and clearly possible. . Milgram's original "shock box" displayed at the Ontario Science Centre. That's right. I have participated in similar experiments and also discovered the innate being inside is so easily manipulated due to a childlike want for approval and purpose being just the way they are. In this the third day of activity there were forty-three students in the class. Hand raised upward in a shape of a curling wave. It follows that when someone has committed irrational actssuch as exterminating a large group of people according to their religion and/or geneticsthey will endeavour to rationalise their actions using any excuse, thus rendering their actions banal, in their eyes acceptable and understandable. He smiled (I don't think I had ever seen him smile) and announced, "Mr. Jones I'm your bodyguard. "This is the final lesson to be experienced. They had indeed fallen for the trap. It was one of the most interesting classes I have ever had. By the end of the third day I was exhausted. "Through the experience of the past week we have all tasted what it was like to live and act in Nazi Germany. His students where attached to the order. ", "You thought that you were the elect. Soon everyone in the class began popping up with answers and questions. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. . Strength Through Action!" Ron's problem is he let it get out of control and that is why he was fired. In the still darkened room I began the explanation. Students were issued a member card. It shows why the people were able to pretend and why they followed him right now i am learning about the holocaust and reading this made me understand why they followed him they followed him to feel like they fit in or were needed what that teacher did was a good way to teach his kids. [1] The idea that democracy emphasises individuality was considered a drawback, and Jones emphasised this main point of the movement in its motto: "Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action, strength through pride. What does he do now (or after he was fired)? I called it the Third Wave salute because the hand resembled a wave about to top over. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. Just smiling and saluting other class members. As for my part in this exercise, I had nothing but questions. He completed the third wave experiment because he was unable to teach his students how the German population in the Holocaust allowed the Jews to be treated the way they were. Our class was called Tech Prep(senior class) and it had only 13 boys in the class. No. It was as if the climax of shouting souls had pushed everything out of' the room. Late Wednesday afternoon I found Robert following me and asked what in the world was he doing. There was much more to see and try to understand. The big lie. 2008 German Movie "Die Welle". They discovered that the usually accepted conclusions of these experiments are in fact far from what they should be. Who is this young man hugging me? The room stayed dark as the final footage of film flapped against the projector. The intellectual skills of questioning and reasoning were non existent. He turned on the TV placed in the middle of the room. It debuted October 4, 1981, and almost two years later as an ABC Afterschool Special.It starred Bruce Davison as the teacher Ben Ross, a character based on Jones. This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:27. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person's own opinions are influenced by those of a group . What was he lying about, in your view? Their teacher called the group "The Third Wave," even going so far as to punish an improper sitting posture. It's far more important than that. I told him we were merely studying the German personality. 2019 Netflix Germany Miniseries . Many have heard of Stanley Milgrams famous experiment on the effect authority has on ordinary people or Philip Zimbardos Prison Experiment that he conducted at Stanford University. There is no such thing as a national youth movement called the Third Wave. I worried for myself. The subjects were told that they were taking part in a rare experiment studying education. For other uses, see, Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:27, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Human experimentation in the United States, "Palo Alto student social experiment goes terribly wrong in 'Invisible Line', "This Classroom Experiment Explains How Hitler Rose to Power & No One Protested", "Anthea Lipsett meets the teacher who carried out a terrifying experiment in fascism in the 1960s", "The Catamount: "Society is Sterile" -- R. Jones", "Experiment in Fascism at an American High School: The Lesson Plan @ The Newport Beach Film Festival", "In 'The Wave,' ex-teacher Ron Jones looks back", "Netflix's 'We Are the Wave' Is Inspired By an Infamous '60s High School Experiment on Nazi Germany", "Nazis fr fnf Tage" ("Nazis for five days"), In ghostly images the history of the Third Reich paraded into the room. After the studies of Drs Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher, the common conclusions have been ditched, and Hannah Arendts words have been reanalysed to provide a new conclusion to the causes and nature of tyranny and evil. They are lost. At that time, the Nazi regime was being widely studied, and the world asked itself how such atrocities could have occurred in so-called civilised states. While the class sat in stern silence I began to talk lecture sermonize about the value of community. We talked and laughed about the Third Wave for the next few hours. Does This Put The Transgender Debate to Rest? It was a silent signal of recognition. Klink, Bill. Strength through pride 509-10) told his students in the . Based on his account, he did not question his students' experiences and reflections by careful listening to them and providing them with sensitive guidance. Following my description of community I once again told the class that community like discipline must be experienced if it is to be understood. The experiment had now taken on a life of its own. April 21, 1967. Well, the Third Wave gave Robert a place in school. Oh, we talked and studied our actions intently. [9], Jones decided to terminate the movement, as it was slipping out of his control. As the class period was ending and without forethought I created a class salute. I told the assembly that a full explanation would take quite a while. Arrogance, violence, terror. According to the witness statements given in 2011 by Joness former students, the negative psychological effects were nil, but they had learned a lesson they would never forget. The white glow of the test pattern didn't snap into the vision of a political candidate. The student was, in fact, an actor behind a screen in a different room, who would plead and let out cries of pain as the fictional volts increased. "Pride is more than banners or salutes. [10][6] Another issue of the paper has a longer account of the experiment at its conclusion. My heart was pounding. I was in pretty bad shape myself. [9] He wrote "Strength Through Discipline" on the classroom's chalkboard, then enforced strict classroom discipline while speaking as to the importance of discipline. To provide an encounter with community I had the class recite in unison "Strength Through Discipline." I want you to remember and be able to recite by tomorrow the name and address of every Third Wave Member. I walked up and down the aisles of seated students pointing out small flaws, making improvements. The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could have accepted the actions of the Nazi regime during the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War.[1][2][3][4][5]. These and other controversial experiments led . Now that I look back, they appeared much like the child with so called learning disability. ", "If our enactment of the Fascist mentality is complete not one of you will ever admit to being at this final Third Wave rally. Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish! To allow students the experience of direct action I gave each individual a specific verbal assignment. Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. Still the viewers persisted. They, in fact, believed in change but were easily indoctrinatedif only for those five daysby what they believed was a superior cause. A little boy who lost his penis due to malpractice was given a sex change, so that he could live a normal life. No. Don't you feel better.". Someone stood up and shouted. Finally, for them, it became real, a movement they felt part ofwhile the rest of the United States was immersed in a pro/anti-Vietnam war dispute, these students felt like the Third Wave movement would give them a platform for change. Or he is exaggerating, or what? It was for class members only. The deed was concluded. Others simply sunk into the activity and took self assigned roles. Jones intended only a one-day experiment.[9]. We were studying Nazi Germany and in the middle of a lecture I was interrupted by the question. (I later found out it was the father of one of the students. Jones was fired from teaching after a year-long discussion, but his work continues to be recognised and appreciated all over the world. Haslam and Reicher make a different point, with a better understanding of the specificity of social experimentation. You are a selected group of young people chosen to help in this cause. Manipulated. They included . It's one of those occasions experienced by teachers when they least expect. The same can often be said in the natural sciences. The Wave is a made-for-TV movie directed by Alex Grasshoff, based on The Third Wave experiment put on by teacher Ron Jones to explain to his students how the German populace could accept the actions of the Nazi regime. I was in his first class after he was hired at Cubberley HS, in Palo Alto, after he graduated from Stanford University. [9] Jones instructed three students to report to him when other members of the movement failed to abide by the rules. So, he decided to demonstrate this . I began to think of myself as a part of the experiment. Neck muscles rigid. He seemed delighted and told me not to worry. So, he decided to demonstrate this . The trials. The room rocked with a guttural cry, "Strength Through Discipline.". We had lots of rules, we had lots of things we had to do," recalls one of Jones's former students in the 2011 documentary Lesson Plan: The Story of the Third Wave. This would be a rally for Third Wave Members only. The photographers were circling the ritual snapping pictures but by now they were ignored. My job. The other option of just letting the experiment run its course was also out of the question. Some subjects didnt need all four prompts, but the great majority of them did. Sort by: best. In her book, Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Hannah Arendt wrote about the apparent normal psychological behaviour Adolf Eichmann demonstrated during his trial. These are the reasons that ordinary people, good people, end up following tyrantsthrough lies, threats and the power and strength of this type of regime. Within this avalanche of reporting one legitimate conspiracy did seem underway . Three women in the class had told their parents all about our classroom activities. From Ron's description it is clear to me that his students (many? "Mr. Jones, why don't you teach like this all the time." The autobiography of Albert Parsons, Haymarket martyr, written from prison. It was a wild gamble. You are no better or worse than the German Nazis we have been studying. In the faculty room (closed to students) he stood at silent attention while I gulped some coffee. It was rewarding to see their satisfaction and excitement to do more. Seems like the authority of subjecting production to an irrational goal (working for capital's profit) has been displaced by another (working to sustain an arbitrary Volk), and that's a weird old mechanism that the standard school system seems well-suited to incubate. "Oh my gosh," he gasped. all?) The Third Wave. In objective terms I began to describe the past events. TIL about the Third Wave experiment. In the study, an . Other students started joining in and the class now had 43 students involved rather than the usual 30. You're more alert. This rally is for members only.". Shoved by your own desires into the place you now find yourself. Let me show you your future. There must be a program. This kind of lie has been criticised for being inherently unethical but is, in fact, the only way in which . If I remember the question. We learned what it felt like to create a disciplined social environment. Events were crushing around me. A group photograph was taken. It was equally disconcerting to realize that complex and time consuming written homework assignments on German life were being completed and even enlarged on by students. The feeling of never acting, never being a part of something, never supporting each other. Thanks, Eugene I was increasingly worried about how our activity was affecting the faculty and other students in the school. He drilled them on their adherence to these rules. In an embarrassed hug we greet. That you were better than those outside this room. The trial was over. The machine came to life producing a luminous field of phosphorus light. Hold them tight. I shared this silence with two hundred students. Students were expected to sit at attention before the second bell, had to stand up to ask or answer questions and had to do so in three words or fewer, and were required to preface each remark with "Mr. Jones". The Third Wave (experiment) The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could accept the actions of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Ron is making a living out of lying about what happened at Cubberley. Jones." A fever pitch of excitement swelled across the room. The Third Wave disaster. To grab quick solution. And there is something else. I graduated in 1967 and lost contact with Ron, But my mother worked at the school and kept me up to date as to what was going on with him. We ran into each other quite by accident. Many critics believe that the so-called soft sciences such as sociology cannot produce any accurate conclusions, but the thesis brought forward recently by Haslam and Reicher is strong and has, with the help of other theorists, built a new attitude towards the conclusions arising from social experiments. In the documentary, Lesson Plan, created by one of Joness former students in 2011, one interviewee said that students felt left out if they werent members, that everyone wanted to be involved. Some couldnt even move from the shock. "Before turning on the national press conference, which begins in five minutes, I want to demonstrate to the press the extent of our training." The moment I moved slowly toward the television look back, they appeared much like the with... 'S description it is clear to me that his students in the sciences. Well, the Third Wave in-valuable and clearly possible ; shock box & quot ; he gasped know maybe just. 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