a. prevention costs __________ are costs incurred as a result of unsatisfactory quality that is found before the delivery of a good or service to the customer. The financial budget 17. b.It is the prediction of what activity costs will be as activity output changes. Six Sigma c. benchmarking b. Senior managers spend 10-20% of time developing budgets. c. Requirements of quality need not be stated. The most appropriate cost driver for the activity of cleaning (bussing) tables in a restaurant is: Which of the following statements about activity based costing is true?Term, A) The most widely used approach to activity-based costing involves the use of a two-stage model. It is not adopted in the United States. d. quality circle. c. 50-fold What is the key factor in the Court's decision to hear a case? Which of the following choices refers to the working document managers may use at the core of the ongoing budget-related process? Statement (2) is true and statement (1) i It tends to seek change and increased business productivity through large-scale, radical shifts. c. Reengineering He stated that to get top management's attention, quality issues must be cast in the language of money. d. Benchmarking, Supply chains help organizations to create a competitive advantage in _____. Which of the following statements is true? It was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. b. improvement c. Improvement (1) - Kaizen costing method is based around a calculation involving a desired profit margin and a competitive market price: (2) - An important characteristic of total quality management is a focus primarily on internal customers and continuous improvement measures. a. Dynamic b. c. Poka-yoke Cost center d. External failure. The following budgeted information relates to McKensie Spice Corporation: The following budgeted information relates to Green Power Inc.: Which of the following statements is TRUE of budgeting benefits? A 1.8kg1.8 \mathrm{~kg}1.8kg mass oscillates on a spring hanging from the ceiling. Which among the following is not an element of quality statements? All of the following are true of currently attainable standards EXCEPT. Which of the following can be regarded as a task error in a service process? Identify a true statement about kaizen. It focuses on bringing about improvements in product and service quality by reducing variability in goods and services design and associated processes. Theorganizationshould always seek perfection. Which of the following accurately describes the effect target costing has on the manufacturing design function? c) The critical path of a project is the sequence of activities that has no time buffer. b. identifying the key internal processes that influence critical-to-quality characteristics. Which of the following statements is true regarding kaizen? Although they were able to fix it and resume operations, they used the 5-Why Technique to determine the _____ of the problem. is the practice of underestimating budgeted revenues or overestimating budgeted costs to make budgeted targets easier to achieve c. It assists organizations in identifying opportunities for improving quality and operational performance. c. It requires very large financial investments. 29 Q 8.29 Which of the following is an internal setup operation? ANS: B. a. customer errors in preparation. The value added concept includes the value added. a. flowchart Changing dies. 8.28 When comparing breakthrough achievement with kaizen techniques, which of the following statements is true? $208.33, The manager's budget in the responsibility center is based on investments, revenues, and costs of a department. c. It is performed on a part-time basis. It proposes that increased productivity is a result of constantly bettering one's relation to his or her workplace. b. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. b. processes and procedures c. determining how to measure a process. 2,200 units a. are typically completed by individuals rather than by groups. D) All of the above statements are true. a. . 2) Total costs will be lower for the regular size operation. d. Legal services, For a manufacturing company, which of the following is an example of a support process? d. control. A kaizen event An arrangement of lines of responsibility within an organization _____________________ is defined as the identification and selection of activities to maximize the value of the activities while minimizing their cost from the perspective of the final consumer. Which of the following statements describes the typical effect of creating a large number of refined activity cost pools for a given costing application? Currently attainable standards are based on an efficiently operating work force. C) Activity-based costing involves determining the cost of activities. b. poka-yoke program d. It attempts to achieve radical improvementsin a very short time period. b. process mapping Senior managers spend 10-20% of time developing budgets. 1 Defect prevention is a. Beginning finished goods inventory When a service ranks low on the dimensions of customer contact, labor intensity, and customization, the service providers need to emphasize on _____ to provide a high quality service to the customers. This pairs with being a Change Advisory Board member. d. External failure costs, Huran Co., a food manufacturer, encountered a blown fuse during manufacturing. c. a customer error at the resolution stage of a service. d. Its standards apply to all types of businesses, including electronics and chemicals. $30,000 A system containing a large number of cost pools will not tend to exhibit substantial cost accuracy over a system containing seven to ten cost pools. All Rights Reserved. is an arrangement of lines of responsibility within an organization, is the degree of influence a specific manager has over costs, revenues, or related items for which he or she is responsible, Which of the following budgets is prepared directly after the revenues budget? The rolling budget refers to the continuous improvement the manager anticipates during the budgeted period into budgeted numbers Emotional standstill. d) Creating conflicts Determine price based on the amount management believes customers are willing to pay. View Answer, 8. In a six sigma process, moving from a three- to a four-sigma level requires about a 10-fold improvement, and moving from a five- to a six-sigma level requires almost a _____ improvement. c. It helps to engage workers in continuous improvement activities. KAIZEN will expose . true The design aspect of process management focuses on continually seeking to achieve higher levels of performance, such as reduced variation, higher yields, fewer defects and errors, and smaller cycle times false Processes must be measurable and repeatable in order to apply the techniques of process management. Which of the following is not an aspect of Kaizen philosophy? Which of the following statements is true of Kaizen? b. He stated that to get top management's attention, quality issues must be cast in the language of money. Which of the following statements is true of process value analysis? It is a Japanese business philosophy that concerns the processes that continuously improve operations and. In an activity-based costing model, total costs assigned to cost objects may include: Which of the following is a true characteristic of activity-based costing? d. d. Identifying defects and errors soon after they occur and quickly correcting the process, _____ is an approach for mistake-proofing processes, developed by Shigeo Shingo, that involves using automatic devices or simple methods to avoid human error. d) Slow-growth economy, slow-growth economy 400 units Which of the following statements is true of performance evaluation under an activity-based responsibility accounting system? Control in manufacturing starts with purchasing and receiving processes. A . It involves only the top management of the organization. Which of the following can be a reason for an activity-based management (ABM) system breakdown? Revenue center, Identify the most significant factor when choosing the period of a budget. 30 Q The manager at a multinational company earns revenues and incurs expenses from one currency in one country. B) Just-in-time (JIT). Gap 1 a. In a multinational company, a manager can use the results of a budget to evaluate the performance of a regional manager by determining how well the manager stayed within budgetary guidelines. 5) As long as the total quantity is the same, total costs will be . The manufacturing overhead budget, The following budgeted information relates to McKensie Spice Corporation: e. jidoka and autonomation. Which of the following statements about kaizen is false? a. We are a family-minded business based on a culture of partnership and dedication. Determining how much direct labor each cost object consumes. b. Which of the following is true of the cost dimension of the activity-based management model? c. It seeks to improve quality by working within the system familiar to managers. d. Checksheets, A _____ is a quality control (QC) tool that helps separate the vital few causes from the trivial many and provides direction for selecting projects for improvement. is the difference between actual results and budgeted amounts Which of the following is true of the process dimension of the activity-based management model? It tends to seek change and increased business productivity through large-scale, radical shifts. Kaizen is a philosophy that was developed in the manufacturing industry in Japan after WWII. women out of 1000 in this population who have tissue abnormalities. c. Process mapping b. Senior managers spend 10-20% of time on budget-related issues. b. b. $10 d. are driven by external customer needs. those expended to keep nonconforming goods and services from being made and reaching the customer. d. It has since spread throughout the world and has been applied to environments outside of business and productivity. A "what-if" technique that examines how a result will change if the original predicted data are not achieved or if an underlying assumption changes For which of the following products are the benefits of target costing greatest? Which of the following responsibility centers does this manager control? According to Lewin's change model, for any change to occur in an organization, first the: . a. b) Intermittent improvement A systemwide integrated approach that focuses management's attention on activities with the objectives of improving customer value and the profit achieved by providing this value is called: One activity of a manufacturing company is scheduling. A)It involves only the top management of the organization. b. ensuring that the inputs to the process, such as materials, technology, and a trained workforce are adequate. Inspecting is an unnecessary activity. b. Thomas Jefferson served as George Washington's vice president. b. support E) Continuous . For a manufacturing company, legal services will be considered an example of a value-creation process. Projects generally cut across organizational boundaries and require the coordination of many different departments and functions. Why are such b. incurred after poor-quality goods or services reach the customer. Total quality management b. Which of the following aspects of manufacturing must be understood in order to implement activity based costing in a production setting? a. confirming the key variables and quantifying their effects on the critical-to-quality characteristics. We offer the kind of experience and talent you'd expect from a much larger firm. We offer the kind of experience and talent you'd expect from a much larger firm. Which of the following is an example of a non-value-added activity? c. kaizen and kanban. Gap 2 d. It eliminates causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and service processes by focusing on outputs that are critical to customers. c. Minimizing the gaps in the gap model seriously degrades the quality of a service and presents the risk of losing customer loyalty. a. John Adams was the United States' second president. The following data pertain to the four activities for the year ending 20x1 (actual price per unit of the activity driver is assumed to be equal to the standard price): Which of the following steps is associated with the process value analysis dimension of an activity-based management (ABM) implementation model? A) The dividend refund reduces the effective tax rate on dividend income earned bycorporations.B) The dividend refund allows corporations with a balance in their capital dividend account toreduce their tax payable by paying dividends.C) The dividend refund reduces the effective tax rate on dividend income . Revenues only d. 70-fold. b. a. a) Problem solving Which of the following is a reason why process management is important for organizations? allows managers to update information to accommodate changes to cost and revenue by adding a month, quarter, or year after the end of a period In a cost-based pricing approach, the last amount to be determined is: For cost-based pricing in multiple-product companies, which of the following is most likely to be used as a possible cost basis? a. In this case, the costs incurred by Bueller Tractors for repairing the machines are an example of _____. It involves only the top management of the organization. Managers can develop a framework for judging organization performance. A Kaizen Event is designed to support an effective, short-term brainstorming session that focuses on a single challenge and improves an existing process. In a two-stage activity-based costing model, stage one involves: A) Assigning indirect resource costs to activity pools. c. customer errors at the resolution stage of a service. Value-creation process requirements are driven by internal customer needs. _____ are costs expended to keep nonconforming goods and services from being made and reaching the customer. Which of the following statements is true of kaizen? Controllability. After using an ATM machine, Deborah forgets to remove her card from the machine. b. a. The current account plus the capital account. targets and tolerances determined by designers of goods and services. The atomic mass of bromine is reported in the periodic table as 79.90479.90479.904 atomic mass units. View Answer. answer choices. Quality is free. A) There is a weak correlation between the two variables. It helps organizations to segment customers into natural groups in order to customize products that are better able to meet customers' needs. d) Innovation, discontinuous improvement d) Stop improvement a. Human resource services Kaizen costing . a. kaizen The manager may earn revenues and incur expenses from different countries It is done over a short time period and not on a part-time basis. The purpose of the budget is ________ consideration to a manager when choosing the period of a budget. d. It prescribes documentation for all processes affecting quality. It requires active participation by all of a company's employees. c) Discontinuous improvement, constant improvement An aggregate of several related action plans that have been designed to accomplish a mission within a specified time period is known as (A) Project Which of the following product costing methods produces the most precise product costing information? Any activity directed toward improvement falls under the kaizen umbrella. c. Benchmarking b. rarely align with the organization's core competencies and strategic objectives. D) All of the above are true. B) ABM focuses managerial attention on what is most important among the activities performed to create value for customers. The operating budget a. It proposes that increased productivity is a result of constantly bettering one's relation to his or her workplace. Failure to acknowledge a customer d. quality circle. a) Kaizen yields small continuous improvements, Six Sigma yields sudden big improvements. Which two of the following terms refer to finding and correcting defects as they occur? Theorganizationshould always seek perfection in some departments of theorganizationonly as perfection cannot be achieved in all departments.C . d. ISO. The rolling budget to cancer as were women whose mothers did not take the drug. They align closely to an organization's core competencies and strategic objectives. In true KAIZEN form the authors converted this concern into a problem statement, "The success rate for an organization adopting KAIZEN is less than 100 percent". Which of the following is a type of customer error that results during an encounter? Value-creation services that take the form of "projects": Support processes generally require a higher level of attention than do value-creation processes. Typically, it is based on cooperation and commitment and stands in contrast to approaches that use radical or top-down changes to achieve transformation. They are sometimes called core processes. d. control, Value-creation processes are sometimes called _____ processes. Kaizen means "continuous improvement" or "change for the better." Kaizen refers to corporate practices that promote quality all functions and involve all employees, from the CEO to autoworkers. d. control, The management team at Kyra Electronics, is looking for ways to achieve higher levels of performance. Question: Which one of the following statements is NOT true? Kaizen CPAs + Advisors is an established and growing CPA firm, servicing individuals and businesses since 1964. b. zero implementation costs. 79. Flowcharts enable management to study and analyze processes prior to implementation. B) Activity-based management is concerned with minimizing the cost of activities. a. d. a customer error during an encounter. b. It. _____ are special types of data collection forms in which the results may be interpreted on the form directly without additional processing. a. The updated data in the budget c. Zero Defects b. Employee empowerment will allow kaizen to occur more easily. the least important a It is also referred to as Kaizen costing b It is a prerequisite for target pricing c It calls for the establishment of cost reduction targets for products or services d Both A and C This problem has been solved! In the process of Kaizen, improvements are accomplished gradually in small increments. b. In the context of quality management, which of the following statements is true of Joseph M. Juran? If you deposit $10,000 at 1,85% interest, compounded continuously, what would your ending balance be after three years? Which of the following statements is true about kaizen? After-action review or debrief is a process control approach used by organizations to: It involves only the top management of the organization. 12. The statement of financial position, income statement and statement of cash flows are used for financial accounting but not for management accounting. A Six Sigma project d) To make processes uncontrollable Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. b. incurred after poor-quality goods or services reach the customer. sample of 3980 women showed 63 developed tissue abnormalities that might lead Profit center He stated that to get top management's attention, quality issues must be cast in the language of money. 450 units Mistake proofing b. Iterative testing c. OA d. Early testing 2 a. Senior managers spend 10-20% of time on budget-related issues. c. It requires very large financial investments. The production budget b. any mistake or error that is passed on to the customer. a) Innovation, constant improvement 22. Units of finished goods to be produced 3,500 units It focuses on bringing about improvements in product and service quality by reducing variability in goods and services design and associated processes. d. External failure costs. Activity-based costings primary benefit is that it provides: More precise cost data for internal decision-making purposes. which of the following statements about water activity is not true? refers to systematic policies, methods, and procedures used to ensure that goods and services are produced with appropriate levels of quality to meet the needs of customers. 3,200 units a. a) 5S Target ending finished goods inventory Answer a variant is always a durable good with new features. Since introducing this term as a systematic approach to business improvement, companies that implement KAIZEN have continually yielded superior results. (b) it is part of TQM. b . a. expended to keep nonconforming goods and services from being made and reaching the customer. Which of the following statements about activity-based management (ABM) is/are true? 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