Following Kim's departure, Jimmy began to fully embrace his criminal Saul Goodman persona as a coping mechanism, fully immersing himself in his work and criminal activity. In 2010, after his association with Walter White 's drug empire was revealed to the public, Saul was forced to retire from his law career, going into hiding in Omaha for several months, living as a fugitive under the alias of " Gene Takavic ", a manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha. Jeff drives Alfred to his home, a large house in an affluent neighborhood. At one point, Alfred orders a drink on Gene's tab, which Gene dispenses with using a tube hidden in his sleeve. He did not love me as a lawyer. Jesse and Mike are ready to dismiss the final venue, Vamanos Pests, but Walt demurs, declaring it's perfect. Of course, we aren't exactly sure when the Gene timeline takes place and how much he knows about Jesse and Walt. Due to the computer repeatedly kicking the driver's license back, she requests Gene's social security number and Gene grows more and more fearful of being discovered as time goes on. However, Saul's ethical limits are glimpsed when he tried to cut ties with Walt after learning that Walt had been using him to send a young boy to the hospital. Saul Goodman flees the house with his true identity finally exposed. Jesse returns to Saul's office in a fit of rage, and brutally assaults him. Desperate to get rid of the money, he resorts to throwing stacks of money into peoples' yards as he drives by. 'Cause this is my screw-up. You're a teensy, tiny man in a teensy-weensy little bubble! Back in Albuquerque, he goes to the meeting but declines the position. I'm so far beyond you! Chuck realizes, too late, that his outburst has shocked the entire courtroom, including the committee. You can't help it. ("Saul Gone"). Jimmy and Kim reconcile and the next morning Kim compliments him on his genius idea with the phones, while Jimmy tells her that it was her idea in the first place. It's nothing to me! Anyway, I thought if I had these two run their skateboard hustle on Mrs. Kettleman, I could rescue her, come in and throw some oil on troubled waters, and I'd get their business. we'll appeal this, we won't let them! The man formally known as Jimmy McGill is arrested very early on into the . Let me tell you, the juices are flowing. Saul is extremely connected to Walt, and the feds doing a deep dive on Walt opens up connections to Saul AND THEN even more dodgy shit that Saul was into. This letter is between me and him, and it should stay that way. He has shown to have also become more arrogant, as seen by his outburst at Howard after he confronts him for his harassment, claiming a job at HHM is too small and meaningless for him, since he is a god as Saul Goodman. Now someone's given you the keys to the school bus and I am not going to let you drive it off a cliff.Chuck. Fring murdered a cartel boss and Heisenberg helped blow up cartel operations. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? I'm not deaf! We don't know when exactly Gene is. ("Fun and Games"), By the next year, in 2005, Saul has become very wealthy after he received his share of the Sandpiper money in addition to Kim's share too, as she had chosen not to take her share of the money. Despite his newfound shady nature as Saul Goodman, glimpses of Jimmy McGill can still be seen, exemplified by his genuine disgust for having to defend Lalo Salamanca for his brutal murder of the innocent Fred Whalen and his remorse for Fred's loved ones present in the courtroom. ("Something Unforgivable"). ("Full Measure"), Following Gale Boetticher's murder, Walt and Jesse are taken to the superlab and held there by Mike and Victor until Gus Fring arrives to deal with the situation. While on break, he is approached by a cab driver named Jeff, who excitedly recognizes him as Saul Goodman. When he ends the call and Kim asks him who he was talking to, Jimmy tells her the truth about his desert trek with Mike. Jimmy also produced fake IDs for his classmates in high school ("Nailed"). Lalo is released and makes it clear that he intends to jump bail and flee to Mexico while Jimmy lies that it took him so long as his car broke down six or seven miles from the pickup spot and he had to walk back. Jimmy began his law career as an earnest lawyer, starting out practicing public defense and elder law before becoming a criminal defense lawyer. Saul Goodman's very existence is detrimental to law enforcement. Saul is somewhat of a coward as well as he was intimidated numerous times by his primary client, Walt, and likely feared death if he did not follow Walt's orders. For a second time Jimmy pushed for the chance to work for HHM and was again blocked by Chuck. Sorry thank you.Jimmy talking about Chuck in court. Howard was there, and a P.I., if you can believe that, just waiting for me to lose my shit and bust in. The only thing I can thinkthe only thing that makes sense is you told him not to hire me. Mike tells him he's not allowed to know this information, but still reveals that Lalo will be assassinated that night. That night, Gene using the pseudonym Viktor performs at a karaoke bar. Now that he's no longer with D&M, Jimmy proposes Wexler McGill - a joint partnership with Kim, sharing all expenses and costs, as well as profits. Nacho, who overheard Jimmy's plan to strongarm Craig and Betsy Kettleman into business, wants to steal the money they embezzled and offers Jimmy a "finder's fee" of ten percent. In spite of this, it is gradually revealed that Jimmy is truly more conman than a lawyer, and throughout the series, it is shown that Jimmy has been a crook from an early age, in which he stole from his kind father's corner store, eventually resulting in its bankruptcy and his father's death and engaged in multiple con games in order to steal money from unsuspecting victims. Following Chuck's suicide, Jimmy seemed unmotivated, being borderline annoyed by all the people expressing their condolences at Chuck's funeral, and was completely dismissive of Howard's theory (which unbeknownst to him is the truth) that Chuck committed suicide once he was forced out of HHM. Something made him relapse.Jimmy to Kim about Chuck's death. Jesse reports that he was able to find all the precursor chemicals except for methylamine. He becomes tense when a customer seems to be staring at him but is instantly relieved when the man passes by him to greet a friend. Why would Mike need a part time job as a PI for Saul? From here on out, I'm mister low profile. Why don't you skip the whole exercise? Because whoever he is, he did you a favor.Jimmy chastising Nacho over his attempt to abduct the Kettlemans. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. At the funeral, Jimmy is given condolences by Chuck's partners and co-workers. Afterwards, while he and Kim celebrate, Rebecca asks Jimmy to help with Chuck, who has shuttered himself in his home, but Jimmy refuses, no longer calling Chuck his brother. Mike then calls, asking Saul to fetch his go-bag. ("Chicanery"), Jimmy is given only a year's suspension in the aftermath of his legal battle with Chuck. He quickly gets up and demands another phone call. Chuck is stunned and tells Jimmy he has just admitted to a felony. What kind of asshole moves a cone? The website was created to promote the. No shit! However, Chuck deduces exactly what Jimmy has done and openly accuses him when Jimmy and Kim come to pick up the files. Jimmy tries to convince Howard to accept the settlement, but Howard sees through Jimmy's motivations and refuses. Saul went into hiding at the same time as Walt and Walt was in hiding for like 11 months, so maybe the "flash forward" takes place before the end of Breaking Bad 26 onetruepurple 8 yr. ago 11 months? Although Howard figured out early that Jimmy and Kim were behind the elaborate plot, other people who know Jimmy, such as Clifford Main and Richard Schweikart (who are both aware of Jimmy's less-than-honest lifestyle and cons), can't believe that he would do such thing and truly believe that Howard simply is a drug addict or, at the very least, delusional. Jeff sells the information to criminals in exchange for money and payments in whiskey; Jeff stockpiles his proceeds on top of his hidden shoebox. Walt attempts to coerce Saul into coming with him but is subdued by a coughing fit. Why did the criminal lawyer who laundered money for the the biggest criminal empire in the Southwest go into hiding? Together, they start doing scams again. However, opening the door would trigger an alarm and alert the police, who could potentially recognize him. Fortunately, the nurse determines that she keeps making a simple typo and Gene is able to leave. Yeah, you do. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the partners, Jimmy studied via correspondence courses, gained a law degree from a diploma mill and eventually qualified as a lawyer. He is also shown to have grown somewhat cruel and sadistic, as seen by him gleefully harassing Howard for offering him a job at HHM by destroying his car and humiliating him by sending prostitutes to his lunch. Jimmy and Kim feel the apartment isn't safe and immediately go to a hotel to wait out the situation for a few days. Did he catch the news that everything that could be after him is gone? When Jimmy answers yes, she says they will start with that. Panicked, Gene empties a container of diamonds, makes a call, changes his license plates to Missouri plates and drives off listening to a police scanner. While making the final preparations for Jesse's leave, Saul scolds him for smoking cannabis, and instructs him to give him the rest of the drugs. Jimmy then decided to practice law under this name, believing the McGill name was buried and not wanting to be seen as "Chuck's loser brother". I can't believe there's like over a billion people on this planet, and the only person I have to talk about this to is you.Jimmy, You go to hell, you lying sack of shit.Kevin, They moved a cone? Others have suggested fear of the Nazis is why he's hiding. Really its 50/50 if the cops are even after him or have anything that would stick. the fun's over. Him explaining why he went into hiding should be sufficient, given he had been threatened by Heisenberg. The neo-Nazis had the tapes of Jesse's confession - The only real evidence against the neo-Nazis and Walt/Heisenberg was Jesse' mewling confessions on video. Hide out for a while? ("Face Off"), After deciding that they will continue to cook, Walt and Jesse visit Saul to discuss finding a new venue for the lab, preferably nearby and not in an RV. I travel in worlds you can't even imagine! Chuck, who had become a successful lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, visited Jimmy in jail at the request of their mother. ("Pimento") Jimmy accepts HHM's previous deal and hands over the Sandpiper case, apologizing to Howard and giving him the responsibility for caring for Chuck. He attempts to prevent her from following through, but after she utters "I trusted you," Gene falls silent for long enough for her to press the button. This triggers a sudden and acidic tirade from Chuck as he vents all of his frustrations about Jimmy and how he never should have tried to help him. Jimmy sits back at the defendant's table and looks for acknowledgement from Kim while Oakley and Castellano's team argue about the plea agreement. Saul Goodman while not a violently dangerous man, would have been at least internally to the feds, the most wanted man in America after Heisenberg died. Referring to Kim, Jimmy said that she had more guts than him in the wake of Howard's death as she moved away from Albuquerque to start anew, but said it was him who ran away. the time when our story of Jimmy McGill-turned-Saul Goodman-turned-Gene Takavic finally comes to a conclusion. He stuffs Jesse's meth money in a duffel bag for him. Jimmy has never expressed any signs of remorse for his con artist past, nor the damage he inflicted on others, notably his father and overall enjoys the thrill of tricking people and furthering his own interests. Hey, I just talked you down from a death sentence to six months probation. At this point everyone that you listed, apart from Hank, is alive and is a potential threat to Saul. He finally outs himself as crooked in front of his elderly clients, which both vindicates Irene and cancels the Sandpiper settlement. He then goes into Alfred's office and snaps photos of his checkbook, his bank and tax forms, and his passwords. Eventually, Jimmy decided to step out for some hoagies, only to be devastated when, upon returning to the hospital, Chuck told him Ruth had died. When Chuck and Howard outmaneuver Kim to retain Mesa Verde for themselves, an outraged Jimmy springs into action. At one point, Saul says, "Victims' families would be great, but I'll take anyone on the ground who suffered emotionally." The call ends with Gene slamming the phone down on the receiver and kicking in one of the glass panels of the phone booth. ("Green Light"), Saul sets up an intervention between Walt and Jesse, offering to give Walt a percentage of Jesses future deals. You didn't want me. Despite this, Jimmy felt enough remorse to repair his mistake with his client by purposefully exposing his actions in a way that repaired the woman's friendships and presumably destroyed all of his own credibility with his clients in the process. One thing leads to another, and the two spend the night together. And I can't, I won't load this onto you, too. No. So, it was nagging me, it was nagging me. Phone must've felt like a blowtorch in your ear; all that electricity, all those radio waves right up against the side of your head, my God! ("Piata") To do so, he took a correspondence course from the University of American Samoa. The 'going into hiding' part becomes relevant at least two years (the duration of BB) after the conclusion of BCS.. @MattD: Nothing like telling someone where you, in your new identity, will live and what your profession will be. Tell me why! I-I won't fly jet planes; you, uh, stay out of court. I'm certain Madrigal would allow the public to know that Lydia had passed away from Walt's poisoning. When the driver takes too long at a green light, a paranoid Gene decides to get out of the taxi early and heads towards a church, noticing that the taxi has not moved since he left it. I have to weed through all these saps who have wives and families at home! Until he can be safely moved, he has to hole-up in the basement of the extractor's shop. He offered me money. So if you want to make more money and keep the money that you make, better call Saul!Saul, I have no idea. As Jimmy McGill, he owns up to his crimes, even though it turns a seven year prison sentence into an eighty-six year one, effectively condemning Jimmy to spend the rest of his life in prison. He loved me in his own way. Admitting that he bugged Walts house and making an off-color comment about Skyler, Saul is attacked and subsequently fired by Walt. Greg Lewis/AMC Unlike Walter White, he doesn't find a way to have his fate and cheat it too.. Walt refuses and angrily rebukes Saul for even thinking of that. He was eventually caught by the authorities and imprisoned for 86 years in a federal prison after finally accepting himself as Jimmy McGill, and began enjoying notoriety among his fellow inmates for his past life as Saul. Additionally his association with Jesse and Mike Ehrmantraut is well known to the police. While arriving at and departing from court, Jimmy frequently butts heads with Mike Ehrmantraut, a former Philadelphia police officer who was working as the courthouse parking lot attendant at the time. And he let you know it, too. Kim finally intervenes, claiming that a passerby must've found the broken-down car and wrecked it for fun. James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill, better known by his professional alias and business moniker Saul Goodman, is an Irish-American criminal defense lawyer, scam artist, and convicted criminal who is serving an 86-year sentence at ADX Montrose. Skyler, feeding lines to Kuby, is eventually successful and purchases the car wash ("Open House"). I refused. Kim returns to the office to find Jimmy lying on the floor, with his half of the rent, indicating he used the "slip and fall" to coerce the guitar shop into paying him off. Fact is, Walter White couldn't have done it without me.Saul's confession about his criminal activities. Jimmy wants to practice criminal law and reform Wexler McGill, but Kim's plans do not coincide with Jimmy's. Are you happy now?! Saul offers Francesca a hug before she leaves to dispose of the shredded documents, but she scoffs and walks out. Me! Heading home, he is mugged and beaten by the three youths who steal all the money he made. Mr. Spinowzo, the property owner, admitted to us that he keeps most portions of his business open to the public both day and night. Jimmy refuses, and the argument is broken up by Huell who knocks Platt over with a shopping bag. When Kim asks what he is trying to do, Jimmy replies, "S'all good, man!" Why does Saul Goodman have to go into hiding? On a later date, Walt slumps in a chair at Saul's office while Saul handles the fallout from his client's "little joy ride" (racing around recklessly, doing doughnuts with, and ultimately setting on fire the Dodge Challenger Skyler made him return). He then rummages around for a VHS tape inside a shoebox, which plays his TV ads from back in the days when he was still a lawyer. Jimmy meets with an insurance agent to try and get a refund on his malpractice insurance policy. Because you don't need them. Hmm could be a real son of a bitch. Did you know that you have, says you do, and so do I. I believe that, until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in. Uh, I fed them a load of BS about her involvement in Howard Hamlin's murder. Good! That's right, Howard! Jimmy also reveals that he has no intention to practice law under his own name, and requests legal accreditation for a new identity to the clerk who asks him to sign some paperwork. We always end up having the same conversation, don't we?Chuck, UnoJimmy talking to himself while looking at a mirror. That tape? Saul went into hiding at the same time as Walt and Walt was in hiding for like 11 months, so maybe the "flash forward" takes place before the end of Breaking Bad, I think there would be a man hunt against Jesse too. Saul was finally motivated to come clean by the actions of his ex-wife, Kim, played by Rhea Seehorn. As she blows Gene's cover and true identity as Saul to the authorities on the other end of the line, Jimmy, faced with impending doom, flees out Marion's back door. Better Call Saul is available to watch in full on AMC+ now. Additionally his association with Jesse and Mike Ehrmantraut is well known to the police. Due to Saul's popularity, Odenkirk's character became the focus of Breaking Bad's spinoff, Better Call Saul. Returning to Chuck's house, Jimmy is shocked to see his brother covering the walls in "space blanket" linings and insulation, and when he questions Chuck about it, Chuck calmly explains that he believes his "sensitivity" has become unmanageable and he cannot even remain indoors without protection. Along the way, she diverts her route to shake off what she suspects to be a police tail. Howard warns her about Jimmy's recent harassment and suggests Kim should stop following his lead. Saul fears for his life and his freedom, thanks to the many criminal acts he committed alongside Walt and the many enemies he made in the underworld along the way. She absolutely kept her mouth shut. Nowhere.Jimmy to Kim regarding his "quitting the law". Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Jimmy and Kim visit HHM where a memorial service for Howard is taking place. Jimmy and Kim got married in 2004, with Kim also becoming Jimmy's confidant to gain spousal privilege. Chuck brushes Jimmy off, not wanting to fight again, but in so doing, fails to truly question Jimmy's presence in his home. Not only that, he claimed he was doing some things under duress; proving to the court that he was being threatened (which he was, when he tried to leave) shouldn't be so hard to prove. Have a nap. I never had a chance to write him a letter, and to tell him all the things that I should have. ("Gloves Off"), Jimmy's frustrations continue to mount at D&M after he is "paired" with legal assistant Erin Brill for help in the Sandpiper case in truth, she has been assigned to monitor Jimmy and force him to adhere to D&M policy. It seems that for him the threat is too big to take any chances and he prefers to go completely low-profile, as he says to Walt when they are in bunker together: Hey, I'm a civilian. Stupid question but why did Saul have to go into hiding? The finale episode revealed what happened to Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) and Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn) in the wake of the penultimate episode's dramatic events, all of which is set post-Breaking Bad. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: . In his teenage years, Jimmy began to play his own scams to get quick money. Jimmy is surprised when Kim tells him that she wants to undertake similar schemes. Oakley is forced to finalize the plea deal while Saul sits in stunned silence. I wasn't there when it was sold. You're not gonna play by the rules. But think about what you just said. Later, as he paces around his holding cell, Gene hurts his hand by punching at the door. I don't know, a couple of years? ("Nacho"). Crazy Nazi hitmen? Saul says an in-town venue will be difficult, but Walt snaps. They plan to get Jesse arrested, but Mike finds out about the plan and intervenes on Gus' orders. ("Bagman"). After months of hiding in Omaha, buried under a thick mustache and thicker glasses, Gene dips his toe back into the grifter life after being recognized by dim-witted taxi driver Jeff (Don Harvey . I'll tell you one thing: you've got the right product. There he met with Hank Schrader's widow Marie (Betsy Brandt) who shared how his support of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) impacted her and Steve Gomez's widow Blanca's lives. During the period of his law license suspension, Jimmy's side business caused him to inadvertently become involved in the Albuquerque drug business as an associate of Mike Ehrmantraut and a legal representative for Lalo Salamanca, with Jimmy subsequently receiving a lot more criminals seeking his services as a result of him being Lalo's lawyer. Yea he was Walters attorney, not accomplice (officially that is) there was and is nothing that could be traced back to Saul that wasnt protected by attorney client privilege. ("Waterworks"). That is not a reason. They let Mike in and he lays down ground rules: He runs the business, Walt and Jesse cover production. ("I.F.T."). ("Bad Choice Road"). Jimmy disappoints Kim by giving Craig and Betsy Kettleman the cash before he leaves. [chuckles] I don't know. Wasting no time, Saul called Bill Oakley (Peter Diseth) to help represent him in his case as co-counsel, and he met with law enforcement to discuss his sentence. And schmuck that I am, I fell for it! Right back to when I passed the bar and tried to join the firm. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, L-R: Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn as Saul Goodman and Kim Wexler in "Better Call Saul" Season 6 finale, which revealed the fates of their characters post-"Breaking Bad. 'Cause it's too small! Saul is a lot of people's "loose end". The time machine question comes up again in another flashback, this time to when Jimmy, now in full Saul Goodman mode, was hiding out in the basement of the vacuum repair shop with Walter White. One year later, he's got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen. After Kim gives him the contact information of a therapist, Jimmy lies that he took the job. Kim laughs at Howard and says she is insulted by the notion that she cannot decide for herself. Jimmy embarks on a dubious recruitment campaign for the Sandpiper suit, convinced that the company is blocking traditional methods of contact with his prospects. Kim, if she wants, can probably testify against . Look, um, I'm a lawyer, and this is what I do all day, every day, so h-how about this? ("Kafkaesque"), Walt later introduces Skyler to Saul as they have a meeting in Saul's office trying to think in a scheme to launder their money. Let me tell you something. Jesse was around, but Saul didn't know that, and Jesse was GONE, Side-note: can we lose all the fluff time with Saul Goodmans after hiding life.. it seems so irrelevant at least since going into S5, Side-question: why TF is S5 not on Netflix still. I really hope they don't rush into making him Saul Goodman and turn this show into 5 seasons of "Saul Goodman meets crazy client gets out of crazy jam" formula. Wasn't there a lawyer-client confidentiality between all of his interactions with Heisenberg & co. protecting him? Saul tells Hank and Gomez that their ongoing surveillance of Mike is tantamount to stalking, and that he's filed for a Temporary Restraining Order with a sympathetic judge. Gene briefly checks out the sort of flamboyant outfit that he would've worn as Saul before putting it back, suggesting that Gene has decided to hang up his past for good and move on from being Saul Goodman and truly embrace his new life as Gene Takavic, though still holding on to memories of his past life as a con man. I can hear you! Saul and Oakley negotiate a plea with a team of prosecutors, who are offering a reduced sentence of 30 years in prison. Nevertheless, Jimmy goes through with it and succeeds in forcing a settlement of the Sandpiper case, utterly humiliating Howard n the process. After this event and being energized by the con's success, Gene seems to be reinvigorated in his day to day life again, working at the Cinnabon with greater enthusiasm. He loved me as a brother. You're gonna be on the 50th floor. Wow. Gene indulges in some of his other old habits as Saul, going to strip clubs with Jeff and Buddy and having one-night stands with the strippers. As police swarm Omaha, Gene climbs into a dumpster and removes Ed Galbraith's business card from his shoebox. After a whole week, Jimmy says that he has to return to his clients, but Marco insists that they do one last scam together. Yet. Grow up.Saul talking to Walt. He's concerned that Huell has gone missing and is wearing a bullet-proof vest. Here's what's gonna happen. Kim reluctantly accepts the decision. You know what? RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? Kim steadfastly refuses, resolving to save herself. Jimmy then goes to see Caldera and is told that their contact is also not interested in the job. Jimmy begins to question his decision to take his position at D&M, as Erin continues to hamper his progress in court and at the clerk's office. I didn't witness any of the murders, but I damn well knew it was happening. Originally from Cicero, Illinois during his career as a scam artist, Jimmy moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where he worked as a lawyer, and later resided as a fugitive in Omaha, Nebraska before being caught and apprehended in a federal prison at Montrose, Colorado. What exactly is provable that he did wrong? ("American Greed: James McGill"). When AMC . Chuck was shown to despise his brother for his manipulative and delinquent ways, and took every opportunity to sabotage him in order to prevent him from becoming a successful lawyer, as he knew that Jimmy would always be a conman and resort to unethical measures to get his way. Jesse was around, but Saul didn't know that, and Jesse was GONE. While selling phones, Jimmy is approached by a plainclothes cop, Platt. Huh?! What took her so long?! After insulting Jimmy and forcing him away, Chuck commits suicide by pushing a gas lantern off a table and onto a pile of newspapers, leaving Jimmy as the sole living member of his family. And Agent Schrader and Agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive. After Tuco lets the trio go, Jimmy drives the twins to the hospital, where he takes pride from the fact that he got the twins off from a "death sentence" to "six months probation", claiming to be the "best lawyer ever". Despite his flamboyant appearance and mannerisms punctuated by his outrageous low-budget TV commercials Saul is a highly competent lawyer who is able to solve problems and find loopholes in order to protect his clients. And then you are gonna tell me the whole story.Lalo. It's possible Walt is still alive. Jimmy then immediately applied for but was denied a position as an Associate attorney at the firm by Chuck and his partner Howard Hamlin. Ed Galbraith brings Saul Goodman to his vacuum repair shop, where Walter White also awaits a new identity. I wasn't there when it was sold. 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Howard Hamlin 's murder by Chuck on AMC+ now Jimmy pushed for the the biggest empire... Panels of the shredded documents, but Walt snaps he resorts to throwing stacks money. To wait out the situation for a few days up cartel operations from here on out, just... Kim should stop following his lead stupid question but why did the criminal lawyer who laundered money for chance!, that his outburst has shocked the entire courtroom, including the.! And his passwords to react to a felony tells Jimmy he has admitted... Have done it without me.Saul 's confession about his criminal activities, is successful... Out of court by Heisenberg about the plan and intervenes on Gus ' orders the house his! Relapse.Jimmy to Kim regarding his `` quitting the law '' interactions with Heisenberg co.... Have to weed through all these saps who have wives and families at home but the... Classmates in high school ( `` Open house '' ), Jimmy surprised... Kim asks what he is trying to do so, it was me! 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