If you're an overweight weekend duffer who wants to shock your buddies with a monster-level shot that sails away with eyes for the fairway, youve come to the right place. 548. First, you need to understand why your golf ball goes straight then right (or left). This golfing mishap is similar to a gold ball curving while in the air, but it is fact going straight left. They all started clapping for me. What Club Stuck Out. If you are pulling your iron shots, they are going and staying to the left of the target (for right-handed golfers). I suffer a bit from what I'd call 'instant doubt without instant results'. A proper swing path is one that moves from inside the target line, then to the back of the ball, and then back to the target. With that, the clubface should be in line with a flat lead wrist. An open clubface leads to a slice, which is a shot that curves from right to left in the air. How you set your feet is not as important as hand placement. Pay attention to these and you will have a fair straight shot. By You're hitting a straight slice- a shot that starts out straight, then slices right. Another possibility is that youre gripping the club too tightly, which can lead to tension in your forearm muscles and cause the clubface to rotate closed on impact. The amount of spin created depends on the type of club you use and the way you hit the ball. When you feel comfortable with your 7-iron, move up to a driver and practice with that. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to help fix this issue and get back to hitting long, straight drives down the fairway. Make sure you're in the proper stance and that you maintain your balance throughout your swing. Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? MembersBounce, 11 hours ago Golf Terminology-Analyzr-My Facebook,TwitterandInstagram. Turn your hip toward the target and swing down at the same time. Compression Line | Mash the Ball with the Proper Impact Position. Make sure you have a neutral grip and that your hands are in the correct position. If you notice that the golf ball is going to the right on TV, it might be that the shot is curving out before recentering and landing on the fairway or green. Do you feel like you're stuck in an endless cycle of humiliating yourself on the first tee? So, how to hit a golf ball straight and consistently? First, is to obviously move the right foot slightly further back to encourage an in to out swing path but you will also have to move the ball a slight amount back from the left heel as well to accommodate the shift and to prevent a mishit due to realignment. By following these simple tips, you'll be able to stop pushing your golf shots right and start hitting those long, towering drives down the fairway. If yes, you can practice and see if what Ive guided really works for you and give feedback! What is happening on the other nine shots? "My response to that is a similar response to what it's always been with guys I've coached,'' Carroll said. From left, Hunter Mahan, Mahan's caddie, John Wood, and Tiger Woods at the 2014 Open Championship. With these tips, you should be able to fix your slice and start hitting long, straight drives down the fairway. Therefore, you may see the ball going straight at first. Straight-Line Release | Let It All Go for Maximum Speed. Youre in luck, because there are some simple adjustments and secrets that can help you hit longer, more accurate tee shots. It's also important to make sure that you are using the correct club for the job. Tight Grip. I really enjoyed a thread @iacasposted about the grind and agree with every word of it! You want to make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your weight is evenly distributed between your feet. If you find my guide helpful, dont hesitate to share it with everyone who cares about golf! Hit the ball with a reasonable force. Make sure that you are focusing on the fundamentals and that you are taking the time to practice different shots. Remember to use reasonable force. Piper Blue. You're tired of being humiliated on the first tee, and you'd love to be able to hit those long, towering drives down the fairway. Make sure to relax your grip and keep your hands close to the center of the club. To finally fix it from constantly recurring you must first understand what causes a slice. Confused about golf? It is a rather simple ball flight law that the ball will curve away from Interestingly enough, most of the golfers that suffer from this problem have a plan to conquer their mental block. Power Turn | The Fastest Way to Pick Up Distance Today. "My response to that is a similar response to what it's always been with guys I've coached,'' Carroll said. Going to an overly strong grip as you suggested When you hit a golf ball with an iron, you create a spin on the ball. Finally, let's talk about your follow-through. Each of these has three possible value, so there are six possible lateral flights. Lets look at it based on an actual shot you may hit: you use your Driver and hit a shot. Yup, that's a slice. The ball initially starts fairly straight, but as it gets to 100, 150, or 200 yards out it starts to turn to the right. One possibility is that your clubface is angled too much to the right at impact. 95. r/golf. However, as the ball loses the initial velocity, the impact of sidespin becomes more obvious, and thats why you see your golf ball go right. I will repeat that: most Golfers are opening their club face before the club is even hip high in their back swing. All the pros have this lateral forward movement with all their clubs, which with the rest of the clubs produces the big divot and a 'ball first' hit. But how do you do that? Therefore, it is very hard to hit a dead straight golf ball successfully. Here, my body and feet are perfectly aligned with the alignment stick, which is my ball-to-target line. There are many internal causes for that, such as players movements or external forces like gravity, wind, air resistance, terrain, or more. Wouldnt it be more beneficial to work on the 70% club face. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a golf ball veering off to the right. Imagine a straight line running toward the target from the golf balls position and putting the club head perpendicular to the imaginary line. Some of the easiest ways to help prevent pulling your irons are to: Correcting your alignment. The last thing I would do is work on drills to make sure you are staying behind the ball (not sliding in front of it before impact) and turning your body properly while also releasing your forearms. So your club face is most likely facing down the target line at impact while the club head path is traveling out-to-in, resulting in the ball starting down the target line then turning right. Hi! in Golf Talk, By One of the main reasons why people curve the ball from right to left is because they have a tight grip. Now, if you go by everything you hear from other Golfers you will hear that a slice is caused by these reasons: an outside to in swing path; an over the top swing plane; an early release of the golf club; blah; blah; blah; blah. Join. If youre pointing right of that, its going to encourage an in-to-out swing path the result of which is a shot to the right. Just put your non-lead hand alongside the grip. You can consistently humiliate your buddies with every tee shot and earn bragging rights in the clubhouse. 80s and low 90s shooters with faster swing speeds. This can Hook the ball by twisting your wrists as you swing. This is important because the swing is so different and there's a lot of new drivers that accommodate multiple swings. This often happens when golfers try to hit the ball too hard or reach for their driver on every shot. And with some time and patience, those dreaded shots to the right will become a thing of the past. But, it can also be more complicated than that. Golf balls lying above your feet, on a sidehill, have a tendency to shoot left of the target. The reason they do is because the sidehill will promote a flatter swing that will leads to a more aggressive release of the hands. This will naturally close the clubface and send the ball to the left of the target. FIX: Aim right of the target. 3. A slice is one of the most common mistakes that golfers make, and it can be extremely frustrating. Therefore, you are recommended to drive the golf ball flexibly instead of insisting on a straight hit, which is harder and can not deliver a promising result. Analyst dishes on opinions and Tiger Woods. An outside-in swing is another common cause of slicing. Required fields are marked *. Callaway Supersoft. Oftentimes, simply slowing down your swing and making a more controlled pass at the ball will fix this issue. Slicers tend to swing too steeply. Once youve corrected these three faults, its time to practice your swing. Summary: A golf ball curves to the right when the club face is to the right of the swing path. One of the most common reasons for popping up your driver is a poor setup position. Don't worry, you've come to the right place! You can refer to this video for a detailed explanation! So many theories out there. How can you diagnose if the grip is the cause of hook/slice? Im Carroll Ball, the owner of kansasgolf.org. Now, these secrets are available to you. On the other hand, goal flags are often cut into some corners or tricky locations rather than right in front of your position, making straight hits useless. Finally, make sure youre swinging on the correct path. 17 days ago. Now, when you spend your practice time fixing your club face so that when it is fixed you now only have a 6 yard fade. Try to keep your swing as level as possible and make sure to keep your hands close to your body throughout the swing. So, what are you waiting for? Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. The solution is simply to stop the golf ball from spinning to the right. Make sure that your "v"s between your thumbs and forefingers on both hands are pointing up towards your right shoulder. But there are some things that you can do to help stop your golf ball from going right. Its the golf ball spinning to the right (after it hits your golf club) that is causing the golf ball to turn to the What Is Whiffing the Ball and How to Avoid Doing This in Golf Games. How far away from the ball should I stand? Go ahead be a Player and click to see why youre slicing: The golf swing is a series of Causes and Effects that determine whether you hit. Many golfers tend to grip the club too tightly, which will cause their shots to push right. As you swing through the ball, make sure to keep your arms, wrists, and shoulders in line with the target. Should You Try to Hit the Golf Ball Straight? The flight readings of the longer clubs seem to be off a little. Therefore, the steps to cure a hook is quite similar to the slice: Grip the club with your left hand just as when you correct a slice. That said, I pretty much have the minimum required space (16ft) for a Mevo+ and wouldnt go under that. Required fields are marked *. Why Does My Golf Ball Go Straight Then Right? Threw a 70 yard dart within 5 foot of the pin in front of a group of old people in their backyard. This problem is usually caused by an incorrect swing path. In contrast, if you put too much power in grasping the club, your muscles would be flexed and your body is not flexible enough for movement. If so, dont worry, youre not alone. This will help you keep the club head on the correct path and ensure you hit the ball straight. One possibility is that your clubface (the part of your club that faces the ball) From here on I am going to assume that we are talking about Are you ready to take your game to the next level? If too much hook, cut it back slightly; turn it more if not enough. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The first step is to ensure that your grip is correct. That might sound complicated, but it isnt. Have fun. If you're like most weekend duffers, you're looking for the magic trick that will take your golf game to the next level. I have the same problem and essentially the same swing gets me a slight draw or a straight shot with every other club in the bag, if I don't inject any other flaw in my swing such as ball position or a harder swing. Would def need to be level though. Do you want to know why you slice weak golf shots to the right? This can be caused by a variety of factors, including an improper grip, incorrect stance, or a poor swing path. You want your lead hand (the hand closest to your target) to have the thumb down and just to the right of center, what is called a neutral grip. http://thesandtrap.com/b/playing_tips/ball_flight_laws. If the ball is teed up too high or too far forward in your stance, it can cause you to hit the ball on the upswing, resulting in a pop-up. "I hope you love the products I recommend! Why does this happen? If my clubface is open, then how could it possibly be going perfectly straight for the first 125 yards? If youre a golfer, youve probably experienced the dreaded slice. This is when your golf ball veers sharply to the right, no matter how hard you try to hit it straight. The most common cause of a golf slice is when the clubface is not square to the ball at impact. Make sure you're taking the time to practice your swing and get comfortable with your club. Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. If your issue is that the ball is moving too much from right to left in the air, this is more of a hook than a draw. Start by hitting some balls with a 7-iron. Threw a 70 yard dart within 5 foot of the pin in front of a group of old people in their backyard. This will help you to better understand how the ball reacts to different clubs and how you can control the spin on the ball. A grip that is too strong on the club, with the hands rotated too far to the right, will cause the ball to go right. The 2nd, more easier fix, is to incorporate a lateral 'forward movement towards the target line' induced with the hips moving forward in the downswing, which will naturally shift the point of impact slightly further back in the swing path, which then eliminates the slight out to in path in the swing and you should then start seeing a much more straighter flight path. NORTH PORT, Fla. -- It seems like everybody has a story about seeing Michael Harris II do something extraordinary with a baseball, basketball, bowling ball, golf club or even a pool stick. Many golfers have a difficult time keeping their ball straight, and it can be frustrating. Don't take too short a stance as this will drastically alter your swing. Then, put your right hand on the grip and hold it, the V formed by this hand also points at the right shoulder. Why do my golf shots go left to right? I don't mean to be argumentative or anything, but what you're describing sounds like the textbook definition of a slice. Sign up for a new account in our community. Click here to submit your #1 question about golf and claim your FREE copy of the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO! Learn the basics with our selection of the best golf drills for beginners. WebAnswer (1 of 7): There are two factors which when taken together determine the lateral flight of a golf ball. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results. Your left hand should be lower on the shaft than your right, and both hands should be positioned so that their palms face each other (not the ground). The second one you show also incorporates pushing the ball. GOLFEASER.COM - Copyright document.write("2020 - "+new Date().getFullYear()); - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As the slice mostly results from a downward impact angle, you should strike the golf ball on the upswing to improve. If you place the ball too far back in your stance, you can contact A common mistake that many golfers make is to push their shots right. Are you going to close the club before impact? Swing back until your left shoulder is right under your chin. Do Low Spin Golf Balls Go Farther? Keep doing like that until the impact happens. One common reason is that your body is positioned too far to the left at address (i.e., your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned too much to the left of the target). We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Golf Instructor. ShawnQ, Yesterday at 01:06 AM This can happen if you come over the top in your downswing or if you release your wrists early in the follow through. However, thats why every-once-in-a-while that Golfer will hit a great shot. Here is the guide on hitting the golf ball straight to a certain extent and how to improve on slice and hook. Keep the rounded edge of the club straight up when you swing back. 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